
Got another request
For an OC
I love doing OCs XD


I didnt get the animation class that I thought I'd get.
Instead I got some retarded speech class.
But I'm on a block schedual this year, so it's not like I have the class everyday.

So here's my schedual for my sophomore year:
"Red Day"
1st- PSAT II (Teacher roxxx)
2nd- World History AP (Sleep catching :])
3rd- Theatre Arts II (Nice atmosphere)
4th- French II (EWWW!)
5th- English II AP (Mrs. Ben Stein. She's sooooo boring, but the class is okay)

"Gold Day- aka Ghey Day"
1st- Art II (Ughhh. Hate it)
2nd- Comm App (T.T Double EWWWW!)
3rd- Chemistry AP (Meh. It's not that bad, but it's chemistry XD)
4th- Interior Design (REALLY quiet. But it's fun)
5th- Algebra II AP (It's not so bad, but it's mostly busy-work, which is VERY annoying)

So, yeah.
In a week, it will be mine and my bf's one month together.
It's not that long at all, but hey.....
After coming out of as bad of a relationship as I had before, it's a while.
So, I'm probably going to update quite a bit within the next week.
I have TONS to put on here.
Most of it is pretty sucky, but hey....
What can ya do?
I hope none of y'all have been mad at me for not putting requests on here.
I really have been trying, but I haven't had time to scan all of the finished products.
