Jake Den

Name: Jacob (Jake) Den
Gender: male
Age: 17
Height/Weight: 5' 10" strong
Hair style/color: redish blonde, not to long, but not to short
Eye color: green/grey
Orieantation: straight
Personality: Careful, listens to orders well, follower not leader, merciful, compassionate
Clothing (on daily bases): at work his guard uniform, on his off time jeans and long sleaved t-shirts
Weapon: Gun, knife, martial arts
Element: earth
Past: Jake's father is a guard for a government offical, so Jake grew up around members of the Government. From the time he was little he would pretend to guard his friends. As a young teen he worked out a lot so he could get a position as Guard. Jake's education is a bit better then the average guard his age because his friends (the children of Government officals) would teach him what they learned.
Friends: Aaron
Enemies: Thives, the Un-Aligned
Mate: none has been assigned yet
Fighting style: He is trained in hand to hand combat, and with weapons. He uses whatever method is needed.
Player: inuyashadorky
Aligned, or Un-Aligned: Aligned

PET form

Name: Mercury
Gender: female
Race: puma/panther
Size: big (think human big)
Main color: black
Eye color: geen
Personality: shy, doesn't like killing without a reason
Power: the ability to stalk undected. Meaning no one can find her when she hunts.
Element: earth
Fighting style: Have you ever seen a cat play? That's how she fights.
