This is what happens when you're 1/5 sociopath...

I feel a bit better than I did this morning...a little bit. Like, I'm still moderately pissed off, but I've let my anger dissipate to the entire world around me as opposed to specific individuals, and therefore have entered the, "Why is everyone in the world an idiot?" stage as opposed to the "I'M GOING TO STAB THE NEXT PERSON TO ENTER MY LINE OF VISION" of this morning.

I act very Iago-ish...I'm surprised my eyes weren't green as I was leaving class today...Though maybe they were, I dunno.

I may or may not have a prom date! :D It's complicated...Some guy likes me, but honestly, he's a little bit creepy and I don't like him back. And I couldn't go to prom with him, not even as friends, because that'd just be encouraging him. So I asked one of my good guy friends (NOT to just get a date to avoid creepy guy...I've been thinking of asking this guy for a while, the "I have a date, sorry" is just a bonus). But this guy is actually good friends with creepy guy, and that might cause problems, so he only gave me a tentative yes. -_- So maybe yay, I dunno. Given the way things have been going for me, he's probably going to change his mind. MORE REASON FOR STABBING.

Stabbing would solve a lot of problems...

I'm so achy... TT~TT

I've got a chapter of that Maple Tea fic done! I need to come up with a title though, plus I want to have at least a chapter or two in reserve before I actually start posting. And I've been drawing up designs of all the characters, because it's steampunk and I need to design all their clothes. I'll be posting those as I get them done, I'm excited! ^^

Alright, well I'm off to Youtube for a bit. How exciting. Tata~!

