(epic) NO

Nostalgia sleepover plans FOILED AGAIN. I didn't even really get to ask people! TT~TT

I think I have the whole Caramelldansen learned now. ^^ Tis a lot of fun.

When do you know you're a fangirl? When you start seeing yaoi opportunities in Schindler's List. SCHINDLER'S LIST. I'm going insane...

Ugh, my legs are achy...

Don't expect comics this weekend...I've got a lot to do for school...I was initially going to do an entire scene in comic form from Hamlet, but now I think I'm just doing a picture...I also have to write an entire skit for my religion class...

...does maple syrup go bad if you open it and don't refridgerate it? Because I have a bottle of the most AWESOME MAPLE SYRUP I'VE EVER TASTED sitting in my room right now and I don't want to ruin it...

Well, tata til probably tonight~!

