Comedy Tonight!

Mood: Delirious
Listening to: Please don't make me find links...
Today's Word: Esthetic
Today's Video Game: Twilight Princess


I'm supposed to be reading a chapter on computer programming right now... (snort)

I've been practicing my audition for "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum." I don't think I've ever memorized something so fast before...But my throat's messed up again, so I'm pretty sure this will be another audition that I'm sick for...I've been sick for basically every one...

It's not like I'm going to get a good part anyway, even though I'm a senior. This play is (as most plays are) very guy centered, so there are maybe two good girl parts. And there are three girls that always get really good parts, so...The best I can hope for is glorified chorus, as usual -_-

I had fun practicing though...I used my Wall of Awesome as my audience. So I'm standing there addressing five different Matthews, two Future Lukes, two Iggys, Alfred, General Guy, and Damien, acting like a moron and yelling at Damien to stop glaring at me and making me nervous...Yep, I'm totally normal.

I really want ice cream, but it will mess up my throat more...

Oh! So I've decided to be a complete moron and try to do a 100 themes thing. I let Arthur pick 100 songs on shuffle and will be drawing a picture for each of them. I'll actually have a list up shortly after this post, and as I progress I'll put links to my work on that list, and so on.

So...yeah...gonna be fun...

Off to brainstorm ideas for my first song, yay ^^;


