Mood: Delirious
Listening to: HetaOni
Today's Word: Tired
Today's Video Game: Brawl


Another short post today cuz I'm working on something really big and I want to get it done...And I'm actually on a mom just came in and yelled at me for not looking at my stupid SAT flashcards. I have no idea where my stupid SAT flashcards are cuz she MOVED THEM the last time we cleaned my room!

And you know what? She never knocks. I HATE how she never knocks!! My LITTLE BROTHER knocks on my door and she doesn't! I need to make a sign that says "KNOCK OR DIE" and then maybe she'll get the point. I mean, it's my room! What if I was changing or something?! And I don't want her barging in on me watching LPs instead of writing college essays!! GRRRRRR STAB

Ranting...ranting again...I seem to be spending all my time ranting...Thanks mom...

Oh, Mein Gott is on...why do I not feel better?

Alright, I'm gonna go continue to write out my manga work on my college essay now! Tata~!

