So...Who Wants To Make Me Ramen?

Mood: Hungry
Listening to: Smile Like You Mean It
Today's Word: Think
Today's Video Game: PROFESSOR LAYTON <3


My one friend (the same one who hates Iggy) tried to rp with me today...It was difficult, a) cuz she's not organized AT ALL (misses her double parantheses system) and b) cuz it's exceedingly difficult to keep Mattie from murdering her character sometimes.

If your friend was dating someone you didn't really like, would you call their boyfriend a "British bastard" to their face? I think not...

ANYWAY RANT TIME OVER~! I've been having weird superhero/supervillain Maple Tea daydreams lately...I blame Duper Nao and Very Naughty Vampire -_-

Oh, hopefully I'll have a picture up soon, but I wanted to thank everyone for one hundred views on The Library and two hundred here!! You guys are AWESOME!

The Library should have a banner soon, too ^^ Now, if I just had a scanner...

So teachers at my school are striking...and good for them, the archdiocese is being a jerk to them...but it means that our school schedule is messed up...Like, I'm only going in for three hours Friday, but it's three hours of JUST SENIORS.

Why?! TT~TT I was looking forward to seeing emogit after all summer XP Oh well, I still has my broski and Poland and Italy...I'll survive, I guess...

Apparently Damien wants to sing to me tonight...DOES THIS MEAN HE LIKES ME?! (glomps Damien) I KNEW YOU LOVED ME!!!!

Damien: You sound like Fujian -_-

Anyways, I'm kinda out of stuff to say...maybe I'll go make ramen...but I'm too lazy... Tata~!

