It's Not Easy Being Green

Mood: Exhausted
Listening to: Earthbound remixes
Today's Word: Shy
Today's Video Game: Paper Mario


It's also not easy being sick...which is a synonym for green...see what I did thar? (raises eyebrows) Eh? Eh?

(is brick'd) OKAY OKAY I'LL STOP.

Anyways, yeah, I think my sinuses got worse today...I really feel terrible...aren't antibiotics supposed to make you feel better? I knew that whole "against-life" thing didn't bode well!! And now I get to go to band camp early in the morning tomorrow and stay at school for TWELVE WHOLE HOURS. YAY. (headdesk) Why did I rejoin? Can someone tell me?

Oh right, cuz I had to go and make Pit Captain. So now I'm in charge of a whole section and can't quit. Right. -_-

I wonder if my instructor will let me sleep...NAH. Even if I was coughing up blood I doubt I'd be allowed to rest...

MOVING ON, I feel the need to talk about Shy Guys. Because Shy Guys are AWESOME. And I rediscovered the story I wrote for what's behind their masks and felt the need to share it with you beautiful people~~! Can you tell I'm delirious? (throws confetti)

Okay, so here's the story: Behind their masks, Shy Guys are astoundingly beautiful. Like, SHING sparkle sparkle beautiful. In ancient Mushroom Kingdom times, they didn't wear masks. However, different species would see them and fall for them, and there were lots of angry parents of these different species. So in a lot of places, the Shy Guys were accused of witchcraft and forced to wear masks. And thus the wearing of masks continued into modern times.

And that's why they won't remove their masks for people of other species, even though people beg them to! Because THEY HOLD GRUDGES! WOOT! ...Huh? Oh no, I don't think holding grudges is fun <.< >.> Not at all...

So yeah. I don't know why or how I came up with that, but I like it ^^ I was probably delirious then too... Or maybe I just wanted an excuse to make General Guy ungodly attractive...Is that an oxymoron? He's so awesome that he can be ungodly attractive. End of story.

Shy Guys are my favorite Mario enemies. ^^ Now I'm really interested in other people's favorites...I blame delirium...

I should go now...I need to get to sleep... Tata~!

