Drumline, yay

Mood: Excited cuz I get to watch Chuggaa now
Listening to: Eleanor Rigby
Today's Word: Sleepover
Today's Video Game: Mother


I dunno about today...

We're having a sleepover for band seniors, and we decided we were inviting one of the seniors who had to quit last year. Well, then I said we should invite this other senior who also quit. And suddenly it opened up a can of worms with this one guy and there was fighting and such and I wanted to bash my head against the wall multiple times. I don't even want to be at this sleepover! I'm pretty certain a specific someone there will not hesitate to sexually assault harass me, and I really don't have many good friends in band. Everyone graduated or quit TT~TT

Of course, there is Italy. During the fight he interjected with a "(shows up with popcorn) Hey, don't stop, I just got here!" I wanted to hug him XD The sleepover's at his place, and he's RENTING A DDR MACHINE. I, of course, offered to help finance and suggested we have a collection. He's the only reason I'm going to survive this night, let me tell you...

This is going to be my first co-gender sleepover...I've got bad expectations...but Italy shall protect me with his white flag of DOOM!

I was forced to went to see a live drumline event in a theatre tonight. It was pretty cool. I actually connected with one of my graduate friends over facebook and she came. It was AWESOME hanging out with her again <3 Some of the performances...oh my god...One was a mix of all these different rock songs, Carolina Crown was the group, I think, and the pianist...oh my god...LOVE HIM.

...one group held their drummers upside-down while they played...

Alright, I'm tired and still sick. I'm gonna go watch Chuggaa and eat my Kraft dinner. Tata~!

