Rants and a Video

Mood: Sick-ish
Listening to: WE WILL BE COWARDS
Today's Word: Rant
Today's Video Game: Mother 3


I'm wearing a kimono right now...it's amazingly comfy...

Anyways~! Long-ish post today, cuz I need to rant about something (I apologise in advanced), then I have a video to show you, and that has a story to go with it...

MOVING ON. Today is Wednesday. I'm assuming that only two or three people here know what that means. Wednesday is Hump Day. So, my two friends have dubbed it "Gutter Wednesdaya," a day where it's okay for your mind to be in the gutter a bit!

Now, I'm okay with a little bit of guttery. I'll make innuendos every now and again. I'll laugh at "that's what she said"s. I'm not one of those crazy "ANYTHING SUGGESTIVE WILL DIE" people. But there is a line. And my one friend needs to stop crossing it. She's sent me some nasty stuff, and she's given me some horrible mental pictures, and she KNOWS that I'm uncomfortable with sexual stuff past a certain point.

An example: Kiku Honda + rape + homicide. You can fill in the blanks, but I suggest you don't.

She especially likes sending me gutterish stuff involving Matthew Williams. Now, this is going to sound stupid, and I know it's stupid, but I get really uncomfortable with that kind of thing when it comes to Canada. I think it's cuz I've rped him, and heavily at that, and I just feel uncomfortable thinking about him in a way like that. Not sure if you get what I'm saying. I'm weird, I know. But GEEZ. She keeps making nasty comments and sending crap and GAH (headdesk headdesk headdesk) IT MUST STOP.

I thought I was going to get a break today, cuz I'm sick and she drew me a cute Maple Tea picture yesterday and such. But NOOOOOO she immediately starts filling my mind with nastiness involving MAPLE FRIGGIN SYRUP FOR CHRIST'S SAKE. GOD A-FRICKIN-BOVE. I need to cleanse my mind somehow. Thank god my piano lesson got me out before things became too serious...

SEGWAY~! My piano lesson was great today...I played Eleanor Rigby while my piano teacher played the melody on violin...I love playing piano with a violin player...

THE VIDEO~! I was searching Mother MADs and such today, since I just finished watching an Earthbound LP and am now watching a Mother 1 one. THIS BLEW MY MIND. Apparently it's a crossover with something? ...Blind Justice? Either way, it's EPIC. It's a little spoilerific, but honestly, this game is Japan only, most people aren't going to play it...Here you go, if you'd like to watch! It's got stuff from all three Mother games. I spazzed. A lot.

And that's it! Tata~!

