More Quickiness

Mood: Still sick
Listening to: Mario Music
Today's Word: BIRD
Today's Video Game: Mother


This is going to be super short, because I still feel like crap and not much happened today...

TheO doesn't like it when I submit art...It's like I do everything wrong >///<

I dislike band very much. I think I'm allergic. I DON'T WANNA GO TO BAND CAMP NEXT WEEK TT~TT

I really want to eat something...I asked my mom to buy me soup and she bought two cans -_-; THAT'S TOTALLY GONNA LAST, MOM. Soup's basically all I can eat at the moment >//<

Well, I'm gonna go finish the soup and watch LPs. AH, THE LIFE. Just kidding, "the life" doesn't involve selling your soul to band... -_-

Tata~! Sorry this was short >///<

