
Mood: Sick
Listening to: New Age Retro Hippie Music
Today's Word: Fail-proof
Today's Video Game: Earthbound (AGAIN)


It sucks being sick...

But, btw, THANK YOU!! Thoughts from the Forgotten has reached 100 views! I didn't think people were that interested in my life...

ANYWAYS~! On to the random ramblings about my life that people seem interested in...

I was all proud of myself for writing out more of my rp fic, and now I don't wanna touch it...

I HAVE A MOBILE IN MY ROOM~! It's been a childhood dream of mine...Not even joking...

So I've been creating bookmarks for Earthbound bosses...and I had gotten really far on the second one...and then crashed before I could save TT~TT oh well...such is life...

My throat really really hurts >///////<

Short post today cuz I'm still not feeling good...maybe I'll go to bed early...



