Well hai thar ^^

Seems like you've stumbled across my blog! Well, I guess I'll give you a little information about myself:

Name (the one to be used for this blog's purposes): Mattie
You could also call me UM, um-chan, or whatever nickname you have for me.

Age: 17

Gender: 1/7 Female, 6/7 Male

Birthday: 9/3

Obsessions: Hetalia, Coldplay, video games (Nintendo mostly), drawing, writing, roleplaying, Let's Plays

Have fun wandering through my blog! BUT WAIT! It's dangerous to go alone! Take this! (hands you a hockey stick) ^^


Look at all the times I've been on the front page! :D SO HAPPY


Mood: Not quite sure...
Listening to: A spoilerific song...
Today's Word: SPOILERS
Today's Video Game: Professor Layton and the Unwound Future



Some lovely person uploaded the whole Professor Layton and the Unwound Future OST onto youtube, so I was able to convert them all into mp3s since I'm in no way tech savvy enough to deal with all the mass downloads I found everywhere else. So now I have epic music to play all the time! Like the Unwound Future theme...oh god. I cry every time. Especially after that ending...AND IF YOU'RE LOOKING EMOGIT GO AWAY XD

I'm in such a Future Luke mood...I might draw a picture soon...

Meh...Don't have much to talk about today...My ear hurts from sunburn...

Even though we have no school tomorrow, they're still making us come to band practice... (doom face)

My bus smelled like alcohol today!! Halfway through the bus ride some kids got on and it reeked of alcohol...I kinda lose my faith in people sometimes...

You know what? Professor Layton music reminds me a little of Katamari Damacy.

Still haven't even looked at my fic... >//<

Well, I'm off to doodle Cassio and Iago cuz I'm a Shakespeare nerd. Shakespeare + yaoi...FUN STUFF. Alright, tata~!


Chinese? What's that?

Mood: Meh
Listening to: SILENCE (my youtube video's on pause)
Today's Word: Sunburn
Today's Video Game: Luigi's Mansion


I didn't study for my Chinese test...but I'm in the middle of something else now...

Today is just...I dunno...It was good until the last hour or so and then for absolutely no reason started feeling down again...

I wanted to draw Iago in hipster glasses...but I forgot...

My face hurts from all this sunburn...And I feel like I have a fever...This is why I don't go outside...

I have to remember to print out my Iago picture for my Shakespeare folder tonight...My one friend keeps making fun of me for being obsessed with Iago...She says I'm going to grow up to be a serial killer... Pssh, NO. Why would anyone think THAT? (ignores random violent posts everywhere)

I miss Mattie...I almost forgot how to draw him today >///< WHY?! Canada powers fading.... (as she sits in her Canada shirt)

I want a shirt that says, "I'm not air." No one would get it though...

I forget if I said I was being Princess Zelda for Halloween...I need to get my mom a picture of that...

(creeps towards piano) Why is everything upsetting me today? TT~TT

Started a new art project...It involves a box and a lot of drawing...But I shall get it done because drawing for people is much more important than schoolwork and college and all that crap!

(is now under piano) I should go back to drawing now...and watching my youtube.... (noms scone)




Mood: In need of soda
Listening to: the Killers <3
Today's Word: Cassio
Today's Video Game: Metroid Prime


And that, my friends, sums up Cassio and Iago's relationship.

I apologize for, again, not blogging for two days in a row. Thursday was just a really bad night, band made me want to stab people, I don't want to talk about it. Yesterday I was dog-sitting and then stayed up to watch baseball. And then I was tired so I kinda just fell asleep...yeah...

GLAMOUROUS INDIE ROCK AND ROLL IS WHAT I WANT (is shot before she can continue singing)

...idiot...Glamorous is not spelled with two u's...stop being British...

Speaking of Glamo(u)rous Indie Rock and Roll, still working on my fic... XP It's taking forever...I have two and a half sections left...

Oh, and I need to get back on my 100 Themes thing...I never really have time anymore plus I've been on this Cassio drawing spree...

I wanna write with Cassio...but I promised I'd hold off on him...gah...His character's going to be so hard to keep straight now that I already know he'll be dating Iago... I always seem to forget he's an alcoholic. I also forget he's a cripple. I mean, I guess it's good for him that I forget, but STILL!

I feel like I haven't done much writing lately...my two rp worlds are at a halt, and I've got major writer's block on my fic, and I don't wanna write a college essay, even if it's on Iago... I NEED TO WRITE SOMETHING.

Had to play at a football game for band...It was crap, of course. But anyways, I was up in the stands drawing Cassio and reciting Shakespeare. I felt like such a beacon of culture and intellect in that stereotypical jock-like world.

I really wanna buy Metroid Prime...but those Chozo ghosts...I scream every time I see one... TT~TT I'm such a wimp...

Well, I'm off ^^ Sorry again for lack of posting! Tata~!



Mood: Coughy
Listening: Junk of the Heart
Today's Word: Nyasaland
Today's Video Game: More Professor Layton


This song...reminds of Future Luke...for NO REASON AT ALL...

I really have no idea what to talk about...

OH! So Iago has a boyfriend now...er, well, kinda...it's complicated... How to explain...If you take "I want to murder you in the slowest and most painful way possible" as a sign of extreme affection, then Cassio is a perfect match for Iago! ^^; B-but I still think they're cute together... Even if Cassio subjected Iago to major torture during his imprisonment, gave Iago a complex, is the reason Iago can't wear short sleeves, put Iago on the run for half a century, will never forgive Iago...yeah, it's totally logical that Iago would fall for him...DO I THINK?!

I wrote an English paper on legitimately nothing...I couldn't understand at all what was being asked, and he didn't explain it at all in class...I love it when teachers do that -_- I'll be interrogating everyone in my class tomorrow to see if I can improve it tomorrow night...

Except I have BAND AND PLAY TOMORROW. (gags) ...Well, play will be okay cuz I can just sit and doodle through that, plus I like singing :3 Band however... (steals Iago's dagger)

Iago: ...eh? B-but I'm the god of stabbing!

I should go before I get more delirious ^^; Tata~!


Band, Meet Evil!Iago...

Mood: Sick
Listening to: Silence cuz I'm trying to burn CDs...
Today's Word: Sinus
Today's Video Game: Professor Layton


I'm still feeling nasty... >//< Went to school all day but didn't go to play or band because I could tell I wouldn't be able to make it for thirteen/fourteen straight hours of being at school...

Of course, at band, Italy (the unofficial second in command) decided that we're going to have a sectional from 2:15 to 5:15...And kinda wants me and this other girl to skip play for it...But I actually like play...I wanted to text him back with something along the lines of, "I HATE THIS FRUKIN ACTIVITY STOP MAKING ME SPEND MORE TIME HERE THAN I NEED TO"

Talked to my guidance counselor today...I told her about how the college stuff was stressing me out and how I basically hate band now...And she told me it was okay for me to quit band. Like, it won't look bad on college stuff, so my mom can't yell at me, and I have to look out for me. She also told me that she would talk to my mom about the crazy amount of pressure she's been putting on me...I love my counselor so much...I think having someone finally give me PERMISSION to quit band is great. And you know what? I don't care if I'm pit captain. They can deal with getting a new one, because after I quit, it won't be my problem anymore. But band is both mentally and physically unhealthy for me, and I need to get out.

Now I just have to convince my mom of that...

Sometimes, I just want to take band and Evil!Iago and lock them in a room together. All I'd need would be ten minutes and my band problems would be over (evil grin)

Okay, sorry for lame post...I need to draw another comic...I had one in progress but it's taking so long... XP Oh wells. Anyways, tata~!
