I Can Haz Artz!

I submitted art huzzah!
I also had time to check out some new art, there's some really neat stuff that's been posted lately :).
So Wednesday I have to go back to normal school, which will be, at the very least, a change of pace from crazy theatre camp. I'm excited to start drawing again, I really haven't started. I've tried but I'm in this lull. I think maybe having only gen-ed classes will give me a need for a creative outlet. But I have a ton of things floating around in my head that are just dying to get on that sheet of paper. Maybe a comic haha.
Yep so things Kasey has discovered over the course of 3 months and highly recommends:
Scott Pilgrim
Lackadaisy Cats (Amazing webcomic)
Gummy Bears
Angels in America
Sarah Ruhl
Yep :). Hopefully some fan art on the first two will come out soon.

have fun otaku-ing!
