First Week of far

(a cat I made into Garrus for no reason)

Hello again. As first days of school go, mine was not that bad. I didn't get lost trying to find any of my classes and most of them (classmate-wise) aren't that bad either. I was most excited to go to robotics class because we are working on VEX competition. I just have to hope that marching band and robotics contests don't happen at the same time. The only thing I had against my Monday was the 6 to 9 PM band rehearsals. Band is a class where you've known everyone for at least two weeks before school even starts, so the first day is not easy on you (but I'm used to it). Today jazz band had a gig, so we missed most of our school day. That's when it's cool to have two siblings in the same grade as you to let you know what you've missed. I hope those of you who started school have a good rest of the week.

Question of the day: What is your opinion of Big Hero 6 on KH3?
