What do I do? Why do I feel bad?

This will seem more like something someone would write in a diary or something, but I have to release it somewhere. . .

Starting in the eighth grade after I took a speech class (and I'm not sure why) I started to have a fear of presenting anything in front of people. Today was an other one of those moments in my spanish class. Every time, I say a couple of sentences and right after I freeze and can't say another word without bursting into tears and having to sit down. Well, one girl said a comment while I was speaking, but even though that wasn't the reason I couldn't speak, my spanish teacher thought it was and started scolding her. I felt really bad, so afterward I told her that I didn't blame her at all and that I was sorry that she had gotten embarrassed. She then rolled her eyes and told me I was never like that in teen leadership, which was two years ago. I feel really bad. Someone in my spanish class told my sister, my sis told my brother, and then he started to get angry at me for not being able to speak in front of people.
