Close Call Today...

I am very, very relieved right now.

I just went back to school today after winter break, and we were in gym. It's kind of a general rule that if you have valuables, you lock them up. If you don't, it's most likely going to get stolen.

Halfway through gym, my friend went to get something from her locker, and found her iPhone missing (since she had forgotten to lock it up.) She came back and told me and my friends, and then I remembered...

My locker was almost right across from hers. It was unlocked. It had my laptop in it.

I literally threatened to hunt down the thief and choke them if I found my laptop gone before making a mad dash to the locker room.

By some miracle, not only was my precious safe, all my other valuables seemed to be there as well.

Thus, I did not have to go hunting and harm someone, but it doesn't change the fact that my friend's iPhone was stolen. If somehow the perpetrator comes across this (highly unlikely, but still,) then I want them to know that what they did was not, and never will be, cool.
