New friend + Older friend = stress stress stress

I am so stressed at the moment. Okay so I made a new friend over Facebook. Her name is Tiffany. I made friends with her over my Sans Skeleton account. Wanna know how we became friends?
I had to talk her out of suicide.
Yep. You read that right. I've talked her out of it twice. And this is only the second day of our friendship. I hope she won't be the same tomorrow. I promised her I would talk to her each day just in case and if she died I would die too. Or at least run away.
Then my other friend, Jeanna. She's been ranting to me on and off lately. Her father wants them to move to Perth. I DON'T WANT THAT. Jeanna doesn't want that either, obviously. So now I have someone saying their useless and all that shit and another person text-ranting. Also last night I woke up to a guy calling me at MIDNIGHT via my iPad. Then 3 am I get another call from the same guy! I had to turn my iPad completely off. It got so annoying. Then my sleep was fine I guess. Besides waking up at 6 bloody am. And my mum hasn't even finished Christmas shopping yet and she keeps ranting about that to me. Then my father and mother got into a pretty heated argument about my dads parents over who they bully mum coz she's fat. She's not fat, she's fun sized. We're spending Christmas up there whether we like it or not. This is the grandparents who called my family a bitch in front of me, mind you. No one wants to go besides dad, so now we are forced to go. My nan and pa are very religious and believe in God. GET THIS. I once brought my cross necklace into their house and IT BROKE. Weird...
But since my nan and pa don't know about me taking my tablets, it's going to be hard. They think I am perfectly sane, and now I have to pretend I am just for them.
Oh look a cherry on top! I can't see my psychiatrist until the new year, and lately I've been feeling SUPER DEPRESSED.
