Not looking forward to tonight

Yo guys. Insanity here (look, I'm calling myself insanity because I am insane). And let me tell you I am not looking forward to tonight. So there's this thing my mum is forcing me to go to to 'socialize'. So my sister and I have to go to this girls night in thing and YIPPEE to me. We had to go to a mixed night in yesterday, and a friend - oh, sorry - 'friend' was there, too. A simple 'hi' and then straight to the computers. I drew stuff until 7pm then went home. IT STARTED AT 3 AND FINISHED AT 7. I MEAN, SERIOUSLY, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. It was boring as all hell, too.
So I wonder what's going to happen tonight? I totally can't wait till I find out *COUGH* sarcasm *COUGH*
