Let's chat, huh?

Shadow: Hey, there, guys! I'm Shadow, and this is Techno...

Techno: Sup?

Shadow: And people seem to love Techno for some reason.

Techno: I ain't that special.

S: Hey! Don't say that! You're a lazy, toast loving robot! What's not to love?

T: *Snore*

S: Ok. So, anyways, how are you guys today? What's your universe like? Do you guys have any magic in your universe? I wanna know! Everything's exciting these days. A new girl just joined! Her name is Angelise (Thanks Raessom). She doesn't talk much, but she hangs out with Alex most of the time, which is good, since Al finds it hard to make friends. There's a reason for that.

Alex: ...What are you doing, Shadow?...

S: AH, JEES!!! Don't creep up on me like that! Say, what are you doing here? Can you get off my computer please?

A: Fine. Whatever. Just don't go telling the humans my secrets. Or I'll rip your heart out of your chest and feed it Techno.

T: Wait, what?

S: Ok, jees. Sorry, humans, Al won't let me spill. And she's gone. Where the hell...?

T: Eh. Whatever. So. What's it like in their universe?

S: I already asked that.

T: Oh. 'Kay.

S: Anyways, does anyone have any questions for Techno and I? I'm sure Techno can stay awake long enough to answer some!

A: I suppose I can answer a few as well.


A: Stop what, breathing?
