Something You Should Know...

"The Hollows?" Madoka repeated, now amused even further. Tempest nodded solemnly. "One of them knew my name, who I was. How is that even possible?" She asked sternly.

Madoka swayed a little, then rested his chin in his hand. "Tempest, there's something you should know... about your past." He began. Tempest said nothing but listened intently.

"When you first came to the Soul Society, the other Captains didn't approve of you. Do you know why?" Madoka said. Tempest shook her head.

"Because they were afraid of you. Long ago, we had a mission concerning the World of the Living. It seemed that there was an extremely destruction force there that needed to be eliminated." Madoka explained.

"A destructive force?" Tempest asked. Madoka nodded calmly.

"And that destructive force... was the Spiritual Pressure that was inside of you." He said.

"Inside of me? How could that...?" Tempest trailed off, "Then why didn't they eliminate me?" She asked.

"Because I wouldn't let them." Madoka said firmly, a determined look on his face, "I saw good in you, not just destructive power. I thought that if we could train you, you'd be an incredible asset to the Soul Society. And So far, I've been right." He finished with a smile.

Tempest frowned. She couldn't believe what he was saying.

"But how do the Hollows know my name?" She asked again.

Madoka shook his head. "Now that, I'm not sure of... Perhaps one of their leaders are targeting you, because they sense that power in you too. Who knows?" He said.

Tempest turned her head away sharply, her blue bangs falling in her face, shading her eyes. "Why didn't you ever tell me this? I've always wondered how I ended up in the Soul Society... did I have a family in the World of the Living? Were they happy? Was I... happy?" She questioned, disgusted at her captain.

Madoka was quiet, then sighed. "It seemed that they were happy... until, Hollows attacked, and your family... your parents were killed by them, while they were protecting you. If we hadn't arrived, you wouldn't be here at all right now." He explained.

(How was the story? I couldn't really think of anything, but it's what I came up with. Great RP everyone! ^^"))
