Behind Again...

It seems that the story file is yet to come back to me. Putting us behind an added day from the two we were already behind. So three days behind in writing. I don't like this. The file is promised to the following writer on the date I gave them to write, and sending it out late to a writer rips them off those days of reading, editing and writing. Its not fair to them. I fully understand situations we can not control. Like the time one of our writers internet went down because of the weather. There is NOTHING we can do about that.

Please! If you and when you have the story follow your write dates. It is supposed to be back to me NO LATER then your return date which is ALWAYS on a Sunday and sent to me no later then 10PM central time. I am sorry if you lost a couple of days to write because of an uncontrollable situation. Things happen.

However, to keep things on schedule and in order. The story file has to be Emailed out ON TIME to ALL the writers. You never know what their schedule is... If they were planning on writing the first few days because their busy the other days. From you sending it back late you just totally knocked them out of their part of the writing.

Right now, until I can get the story back on schedule (which will probable be when I get it again in June) return dates will change so everyone gets their full two weeks. I will send out Emails of the change as soon as I know when it will be.

Sorry everyone if I seem mad about this. I am not, just a little annoyed. Of all the times of writing TheO Story it has NEVER ran behind like this. Even when Dylan went in for heart surgery it was still on time to all my writers.

Thanks everyone, and sorry for the delay in all this. I hope it does not mess up anyone's schedule for writing.

