Hello Everyone, this is a world where I will keep you, the fan, updated on TheO Story. I will inform you of what anime is being written about, and exciting new changes that the writers have made. Of course you won’t get details. Just enough information to keep you hanging so when we complete the story…

You’ll come running back to read it… (:


History of TheO Story

Low Down on TheO Story


Next Writer

Sorry, it has been a while since I have updated. I had no news to update with... lol.

However, now I do (: I have passed the story on to the next write on the list which is Littlepooch. I have yet to hear back from her if she got it or not and if it has opened for her. So if she actually has it is another story. I just know I sent it... lol.

As for the story... *head swoons* OMG! I can't believe how well it is going and the ideas that have been written with only two writers. The only thing. To keep it going and let everyone have a chance to write. There are major breaks. We have ideas that are half written...

Ideas with:

A start, with no ending

A middle and ending, with no start

A ending, with no start and no middle


A middle, with no start or no end

I hope to see everyone adding to these. DO NOT. I repeat DO NOT let them pass and let the original writer finish them. Add to them and if you want, wrap them up. If you have a new fresh idea. Add it don't let it pass either. You don't have to finish it that's what the other writers are for.

While you adding, if you have to go back and change part of an idea of a previous writer's. Do It. This is not a story to be shy in. Treat it like it is yours, and yours alone. No one is going to be mad or upset at you for deleting or changing something.

There is one part I want to keep open for all the writers and that is the 'Saturn Ring Race'. I think we all could have some real fun with this part adding some funny, exciting and entertaining parts to it. After all, BeBop can get pretty serious sometimes and it seems ours is in that way with some parts.

Well with that said I am outta here...

I NEED EVERYONE to leave me a comment on this post. I have lost track of a few of you not seeing you around TheO or other wise. So PLEASE COMMENT ALL WRITERS...

See ya around TheO my friend...



I finished the vectoring of Sepia... I don't know... *looks at Banner* I am having issues with her eyes and lips. I don't think I like the way they came out for me...

Take a peek and let me know what you think... and POINTERS... If ya have any... lol.


This goes back a bit and I am not going to go deep there would be too much to write to bring you all up to speed. So to make this simple.

I have a drawing of the OC Sepia, from our story we are writing this year. Lunastarz, a dear friend of mine here on TheO drew her for me us... I have the sketch of her and I plan on vectoring her.

On Luna's behalf of the drawing all I can say is Sepia is AWESOME! GREAT! STUPENDOUS! BEAUTIFUL! I can't wait to start vectoring her. I don't want to mess up her beauty that Luna gave her, so it might take me some time to get her vectored. If anyone (writer wise) would like to see the sketch of Sepia drop me a PM and I will PM you the link of her.

Also if any of you are good at shading and detailing and want to help with the vectoring. Let me know. I am still learning all the fine details of that fun stuff. So someone helping which is knowledgeable is those goodies would be very helpful to me.

I am SO very excited about the drawing, and excited to see her in full color as well (: ... Thanks again Luna *hugs tight* She really is VERY BEAUTIFUL. Thank You ((:

Well with that said... See ya around TheO my friend...


Not Much...

Well I don't have much to report. The story is still with Karmira. She will have it until the 17 of February. Two good reasons for this...

One: The time after her write the story would have been sitting for two weeks. That was one of the slots that was left open from one of the dropped writers.

Two: Karmira was not able to do anything with the story her first two weeks because of her work schedule and having to have wisdom teeth pulled.

It kind of work out in everyone's favor. Which is awesome in itself... lol.

So I am not to sure what is going on with the story right now. As soon as I get an update from Karmira I will let everyone know what is up.

Littlepooch? I hope your ready for some kick butt reading. 'cause I am sure from what I wrote and what Karmira is and will write your going to get some MAJOR ideas flowing in that head of yours... lol.

See ya around TheO my friends...


Moving into Week Two...




The week has been fun for me. Plenty of work, lots of chores and too many kids to take care of… lol. I wrote when I had the chance this weekend adding a few more pages. I wish I could have added much more, but with the grandkids being here this weekend it was non stop noise, and they don’t know the meaning of ‘SLEEP IN’… To bed with the chickens and up with the chickens. Which meant Kita did not get to stay up once it was quiet and write. I had to head to bed a few hours after them if I was going to get up with them and not be a bear.

Anyway, I got to add something to the story that I always told people I would do to sex offenders if I was in control of their sentencing. It’s cruel, cold and down right WRONG, but ya know what? The damage they did when they committed the act they did is so much more WRONG. In my eyes the sentencing I past upon them is nothing of what God will do to them when he gets a hold of them. I kept it as clean as I could, but I am sorry there are just something’s that have to be said right out. I am still going strong with my ideas and I sure hope you all like what has been added. I also hope to see A LOT of filling in. I wrote with holes. Meaning, I just started the idea. Wrote a little then ended it. Some of it has VERY little conversation within it. I do hope to see those places filled in. Some GOOD ideas for flashbacks or just idol chit chat.

Oh one thing I did want to say… Check out the ‘Collaboration Room’ if you already haven’t. You will see it there.

Well I guess that’s all and for the writing limit…

There is none…



See ya around TheO my friend…
