The File


A/N: I am so sorry for this. I have no idea how to do medical files or pasts or just anything serious in general. So I am sorry. Also, I did not proof read, if that tells you anything at all about this. It's so bad I couldn't even make myself read through it again to fix typos and whatnot. You have been warned.

I looked around at all the nervous faces surrounding me, then back down at the file trembling in my grasp. We were flying, flying away, flying somewhere, anywhere. A few of the braver members of the club had their files open and were reading. An occasional sob or agonized moan filled the small confines of the jet. All these creatures…no, all these people were discovering their worst nightmares couldn't compare to the horror of their own existence. I could tell everyone was scared to learn about their true past.

But I wasn't scared. My heart was beating a cadence in my chest, my palms were sweaty and my stomach was twisted into a knot, but I wasn't scared. I was hopeful.

As I slowly opened my file, I thought over my past as I knew it, as I remembered it. If the scientists were able to implant false memories, there was a chance I had a happy childhood, a loving family, and someone to return to.

Full of apprehension, I cracked open the folder and began flipping through page after page of medical charts and shot records. The medical abbreviations and jargon were like another language to me, and I couldn't make heads or tails of it. I almost gave up looking when I came across the personal history pages. I eagerly started reading.


Patient is an eight-year-old female collected after an emergency call was placed in Nottingham. Child has been taken as a ward of the state due to mother’s reoccurring drug and alcohol addictions. The grandmother is unable to care for the child as a result of an injury. The patient shows signs of physical abuse and has behavioral patterns consistent with sexual abuse. An exam has confirmed this. Contusions found along arms and legs. Ecchymosis on the left side of face, and a laceration found along ribcage. None of the damage is too extensive and should heal without scarring.

Patient has fully recovered from previous damage and is ready to begin the special treatment. Will be transferred to an experimental medical facility in London right away in order to begin the pheromone enhancement procedure…

I crushed my folder closed, unable to read any more of the countless entries. The hope I had harbored for having a functional family and a decent upbringing was gone forever. My past…was exactly as I remembered it. The scientists hadn’t changed anything.

This meant my mother really had been addicted to narcotics and prone to drinking too much. She really did sleep around and bring random men home to get enough money for the drugs. Those men truly did look at me in ways that made my flesh crawl. They really did reach out and touch my long hair with those grimy hands of theirs, telling my mother what a pretty girl I was.

The men really did shove my grandmother out of the way when she tried to protect me, giving her a concussion and four broken ribs. The police really did show up 20 minutes later, 20 minute too late. My fate really had been decided from the time I was eight years old.

And then there was the matter of the scientists. I thought the purpose of this program was to create weapons, but how could a scared, pretty girl possibly be a threat to anyone but herself? They could have made me anything; they could have given me wings, they could have even given me scales or swords for arms or anything. We, the products of their retched experiments, were not the monsters. The scientists were. Why else on Earth would they enhance the sexual draw of a little girl who already grimaced in fear whenever a man walked by?

No. That wasn’t completely true. There was one man I didn’t fear, not anymore, if one could really call him a man.

I turned to Tommy, who was (of course) sitting next to me. He turned away from the window, laid his Seventeen magazine on his lap, and looked at me with the kindest expression I had ever seen. He pulled me close and let me cry to my heart’s content.
