Muffins and Soda

Here's Riley's next chapter! ^u^ Hope you guys like it.
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“Hey Sebastian?”


“Can I call you The Sebster? Pleeease?”

“Sure.” YES. Now Sebster had the coolest nickname ever.

“Hey Sebastian? I mean Sebster?”



“Is that right?”

“Yeah! It’s about the most awesomest thing ever!”

“And what would that be?”

“BLUEBERRIES, of course. Duh.” I rolled my eyes. Foolish boy forgot how amazingly tasty blueberries were!

“Sorry, how could I forget?”

“I dunno, but it was pretty silly of you, Sebster. Do you wanna hear my song now?” I questioned eagerly. I was bouncing with anticipation.

“Sure, why not,” he replied, wearing an amused grin.

“Okay, here I go.” I cleared my throat. “Blueberries, blueberries, little orbs of tastiness! Blueberries, blueberries, I LOVE YOUUU. Blueberries, blueberries, your name lies and says you’re blue but you’re actually more of and indigo shade and your insides are kind of purplish, what’s up with THAAAT? Blueberries, blueberries, YEAH!” I finished my song and raised my arms in the air in proper ta-da fashion, panting. The Sebster clapped.

“Nice song, Riley.”

“Thank you, thank you very much,” I replied, lifting my hat and wiggling my ears. I picked up on the sound of car tires crunching on the gravel of the mile-long driveway, so I quickly replaced my hat.

Shortly afterwards, the taxi pulled to a stop in front of the Sebster and I. I hugged the Sebster goodbye, threw my bags in the back seat, and we were on our way to the airport. I looked at the ticket Sebastian had given me. Apparently I was headed to the U.S.A. I couldn’t contain my excitement.

I shouted “ADVENTURE!!!!” at the top of my lungs and fist-pumped furiously. The taxi driver shot me a look in the rear view mirror. I grimaced.

“I’m very sorry, sir. I’m just excited. I’m going to America for the first time!” I exclaimed, bouncing in my seat.

“Congratulations.” His voice had a thick French accent. The taxi driver smiled slightly. I hoped I had been forgiven for my outburst.

Soon enough we pulled up at a huge building. Why do they even make buildings that big? Why can’t we all just live in trees? Questions that shall probably never be answered.

I grabbed my bags and plane tickets, left the taxi driver a nice enormous tip (he had a moustache!), and started trying to find my way to the right place. Eventually I found my plane.

The plane ride was pretty uneventful. I slept the entire time until we started landing, which was when I noticed there was a smelly guy next to me, and having increased senses, it was a jillion times ickier to me. Bluh. I made a mental note to flick the Sebster at a later time. As we descended, I began to wonder how I would know who was picking me up. Sebastian had known where I was somehow. Now that I thought about it, that was really weird. If these people were his friends, maybe they’d recognize me too.

As it turned out, they were pretty easy to find, considering there was a fox with them. There was a whole bunch of them there, far more than I’d expected, and from what they told me there were more or them scouring the globe for other freaks like us.

I introduced myself and told them I was a kitsune. They went around, introducing themselves and their species as well. There was a butterfly girl, tree twins, a rabbit, a water nymph, and a leprechaun. They all made me feel pretty lame. I mean, seriously, leprechauns are like the coolest “mythological” creatures EVER. They get rainbows and everything. So awesome. I was just a fox girl with a ton of tails. Then there was the other one...the fox that had led me to them. He was in the bathroom when I arrived, so I hadn’t gotten to meet him yet.

While we waited for his return, I got to know the other members of the MCC. As it turned out, the nephele Solana was really shy. It was adorable. I hoped I hadn’t scared her away with my excitedness, which I decided was now a word because WHAT RILEY SAYS GOES. And Riley says that EVERYONE IS REQUIRED TO BE HER PAL.

I paused my internal monologue when I smelled the fox again. That meant he/she was coming back. I bounced up and down with excitedness (AHA. I got to use my word!) as I waited for them to arrive. Another fox meant someone who was kinda the same as me! Except probably they had only one tail, but IT MATTERED NOT.

A boy with dark blond hair appeared, wearing a black jacket. Something about him was vaguely familiar. Maybe it was the different colored eyes. I got the sense that I’d met this guy before. But that was impossible...after all, if I could tell he was part fox now, I would’ve been able to tell when I’d met him...right? I shook off the feeling. I was going to introduce myself, but he seemed preoccupied with talking to my quiet pal Solana. Pff. He was a friend stealer.

At that moment my stomach started yelling at me. I patted my blueberry storage device and shooshed him. He did not shut up. I decided I’d try to find him some sustenance. I had run out of blueberries on the taxi ride, so that was out. I’d have to try to find other means of gaining food.

Scanning the airport, I spotted a donut place. I was overcome with a sense of excitedness (HAHA USED IT AGAIN) and also hunger. The only problem was that donuts are icky. Maybe they’d have bagels or something. It was worth a shot.

I looked over the various pastries and HARK! THEY HAD BLUEBERRY MUFFINS! I bought all the blueberry muffins they had, which just so happened to be seventeen, and a jumbo soda. I loved soda almost as much as blueberries and bacon.

The group announced that it was time to go, we had places to be. I somehow managed to keep my soda unspilled, my hat on, and my muffins intact while grabbing my bags, because I am Riley, Ninja Kitsune Warrior Who Also Wears Top Hats And Bowties.

Our squad of superhero pals (actually I lied we aren’t superheroes) left the building like a group of collective awesome, and we began our possibly but probably not maybe long and most likely not so treacherous journey to wherever we were going.

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OH! Before I post~ Just a note, the things in parentheses are still Riley. She apparently thinks with text accessories. I dunno. Riley logic XD Anyways, that was just a clarification, I don't want to confuse anyone or anything :S
