Welcome to the Mythological Creatures Club! Are you ready for the hunt?

If you're new around here, please visit the links below! Have any questions? Don't hesitate to message me.

-Introduction, Rules, and FAQ-
-New Character Template-
-List of All Members-
-Table of Contents-
-Story So Far-
-Fan Art-

In the beautiful forests of Virginia, there lives a Werewolf named Akira. She knows probably better than anyone not to trust humans. They've been hunting her and her family for generations. So to protect herself and others like her, she began The Mythological Creatures Club.

Recently, she obtained a strange, foreign hard drive that contained one file: a tracking program. She quickly discovered that it can track any Mythological Creature on the earth, including herself.

And she intends to use it.

But this mysterious hard drive is creating more questions than answers...How is it tracking her and the others? Something's not right here at all.

What started as a club to protect creatures soon turned into a full out investigation to solve a mind-blowing mystery...


Animelover7310- Akira and Sebastian & Charlie

Harvestmoonluvr- Karin, Rano & Tano

WyvernWings- Griffin, Acacia & Solana

In Hiding

So just ignore my post before, I decided to redo it so everything goes along better! I apologize. New post! ALICE I'd been hiding out in the vents for who knows how long before they finally gave way. Should've figured they wouldn't...

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A Rescuer?

2:04 2:05 2:06 Goodness, Melina. You are so bored you're staring at the clock to watch the minutes go by. With a sigh, I got off my bed and wandered around the room. The floor was smo...

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In the Pits of Tartarus

Griffy ★☽★☾★☽★☾★☽★☾★☽★☾★☽ YEAH MAN PARALLEL ISH POST WOOP. xD … That’s pretty self-explanatory. But I also included some afterward stuff AND included some Akira-ness. … ...

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I apologize in advance for the...strangeness of this post. I began to write this post and then, I suddenly had an odd surge of creativeness. I understand that this is a different format that what I normally write but...blame the surge for it. ...

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Expand, Open, Pioneer.

[I wrote this like months ago haha. I don't know why I didn't post sooner.] KARIN And there I was again, on that terribly familiar hospital bed, staring up at a stark white ceilin...

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