Oh... Em... Gee!

I got my modelling contract thought yesterday. It's a 3 year contract, so... I'm like... WOAH!

Anyway, that's now what I wanted to talk to you about.
I don't know if any of you have ever heard of the Arctic Monkeys (they're an awesome band who went to my old school), BUT... My boyfriend's dad knows their manager.
I was at Jon (the boyfriends)'s house all weekend, and on Saturday, I was talking to his mum and dad about this modelling thing, and about the fact that when I was on holiday I should be a professional singer, and not singing in a pub. Lol. So his mum said: "Is singing what you want to do?" So I shrugged and said it was a far-fetched dream. And his dad was like: "Actually...." And I thought he was going to say he thought I was a good singer. He went one better. "You know the Arctic Monkeys? I know their manager. He's an old schoolfriend of mine. I could get you hooked up with him if you want." Bearing in mind their manager used to be a professional singer, too. It's like. WOAH! I could be famous.
My boyfriend gets taught guitar by Phil Saunders. Who used to be famous, or something. I don't know.
