
Sorry i haven't writen for so long.
Anyway today im going on holiday for a week to a cottage down near Kirkudbright (whichis in the south of Dumfries and Galloway)! I just can't wait!!!!
see you in a week!

Blood :(

Today me, Kath (nodokachan)and my cousins where in their roon mucking about when my cousin Matthew threw a hot water bottle at my other cousin Andrew. He then stupidly threw it back and it hit me on the nose. At first i just thought it was bruised but then matthew noticed it was bleeding and Kath went to tell my Granny. It was bleeding really really badly and I mean badly it was everywhere!!!
I used sooo much tissue there was barly any left.
Well thats the drama of today!

My Boring Day so Far......Again

I can't wait till my dad and my cousins get here im sooo bored!!!!
Wait i haven't told u anything about me...

Name:Rachel Mary Heller

Age:10 and a half

Family:Dad and my sis katherine (nodokachan)

Hobbies:drawing, playing the piano, Drama and of course going on TheOtaku!!!

Prized Possesions:Bobby (my soft toy), my diary, my totoro piggy bank and of course all of u! I can't be alive without my friends and family!!!

So thats me and my boring day!

See Ya Bye!!


My Boring Day so Far...

Today has been sooo dull!!! But yesterday me, my sis (nodaka-chan!) and my cousins found this huge hill and we went down on the bikes not braking once about 100 times it was sooo fun!!! Well see ya!