Life is Rough

well, tohru168 came to my house today to escape a boring 4th of july party. we almost went out in the kayaks but i found a huge two- or three-inch spider in mine, it hid under the seat and i couldn't get it out. i wasn't about to be stranded in the middle of the creek with that thing crawling onto my lap. so then we went in to swim, except it was low tide so it was more like wading. and then minnows attacked our feet and we felt unwelcome.
so then we went to the grocery store after just pulling on shorts. i will never ever go to the grocery store in a bikini top again, i swear. i should've known better in the first place. some really old guy in one of those motorized golf-cart-like things with the shopping basket built on came up and pointed at us for like, a full minute. i was on the phone trying to talk to my mom so i didn't catch all of what he said but it was something along the lines of that we were lovely and he was falling in love with us. or something equally creepy. we ignored him and he went away after a while. then we ninja'd around the store trying to keep from encountering him again. it was epic. almost like the two-hours-in-costco thing.
then we went in dollar tree and i saw my drivers' ed teacher. that kind of jarred the whole "summer" feeling. at least i already have my license so i don't have to be particularly afraid of her anymore. she's fierce though :D
now i'm back at my house with my parents and our british friends, which is ironic, since it's yay-the-british-don't-own-our-asses-anymore day. even though i almost wish they still did. i don't think we do so well when left to our own devices. 'least not nowadays XD
oh hey i've heard that hilary is obama's new VP. can anybody verify that for me? i saw it on tv but my parents don't believe me. i really hope it is true, because that means they stand a waaay better chance than obama on his own.
..if i'm wrong and mccain wins, i'm going on a killing spree. then to canada. after the killing spree is over, that is. and from there i will plot an assassination attempt on that unbearable old geezer. :D
...i always get political. maybe this means nobody will invite me to parties when i'm older. that would actually be nice, because i hate parties. political and social parties.
anyway, tomorrow is our 3-year anniversary for gabe(fury) and i. and he's going to be at my house in 24 days. I CAN'T WAIT :D

anyway, tatah for now. observe my svelte god:
