Chapter 17

I sighed as I watched her leave, "Something wrong?" I glanced over my shoulder to see Koori, I shook my head "No" I responded, "last night I heard something fall of near your room,was everything alright?" "Don't Remind me". "What happened?" He asked "Nothing,just drop the subject"
"Fine," he said "By the way,you have Paperwork on the office waiting" he said as we walked back to the main house. I groaned "What is it now?" I asked crossing my arms. He looked up as he tried to remember. "Well most of them are the bills that are from the damage,and you have been invited to a Soiree"

"Who is it this time?" I asked, he shrugged "I didn't check,last time I did Sora hit me in the back of the head" he said.
I smirked "she is just doing her job" sora was one of the servants in the house her job was to mainly take care of bussines stuff and like hana she was a fox demon and a priestess,just not in the same level as hana was.
"Right" he said, I opened the door of the office "Oh by the way there's a letter from your brother you might want to read" Koori said as he slidded the door behind him shut. I grabbed the first letter that I grabbed which was the invitation for the soiree. I quickly scanned it "It's Nobu"I said setting it down nobu was one of the lords of the Eastern lands "Are you going?" He said. Carefully grabbing a feather pen in the desk. "I have to" I said as I grabbed the letter from my brother "Discard of it"

"I will,but I will have you know he is coming"
