Chapter 11

I stormed out of the room,this was a waste of time, I stopped when I heard her. "I'm sorry" I glanced at her from the corner of eyes And left.
If I was told I was hard to talk. "I don't get humans," I muttered to myself.
I slidded the door open,slammed it shut. Not soon after koori came in with a box.
"You should calm down" I turned around a box in his hands "how could I calm down,I just tried to appologize and she is trying to start a fight"
He sighed "am taking this over to her,get some rest will you?"

I sighed walking over to the temple,the walk to the temple always took a while since it was secluded from the main house.

I entered to find koori talking to hana as always. "Were the girl?" I asked.
"She still hasn't woken up yet"
"Start teaching maners as well she needs them" I said crossing my arms across my chest.
"Sir,I think it is you how needs to learn them more properly." Hana said. "Koori go and wake her up."
"Don't it's better if you let her come by herself,that way we will know if she wants to cooperate" hana said. "Although I doubt it with your attitude sir" she finished glancing over my way. Suddently there was a loud crashing noice come from the main house.
I stood up and walked over to outside of the door. When a demon appeared right in front of me.
"Sir,we are being attacked" he said I turned to hana and koori. "I will put a barrier around the house" hana said.
I ran over to the house to find demons attacking,I growled "you take care of that side I will of this" I said running over to the door the girl was.
I unsheated my sword as a demon appeared right infront of me. the white of his eyes was now Red.
"Good to see you Hyaku"
"Why are you attacking you bastard?"
"It's better if you don't find out" he said raising his hand which was bloody. "But seeing as you're about to die,it's a alliance between the southern lands and the humans"
He said running straight to me.
I raise my sword beheading him.
I ran over to the room were kiana was.
The room already filled with demons. one of them turned around "Hey! Luck-" I cut him off throwing him to a nearby wall.
My eyes stared to change from their usual light blue. To a Bright Tourquoise. I raised my sword killing the remaining two demons.
"Come" I said grabing her by the hand and dragging her.
I could feel her hand slightly shaking. I looked down at her, "am pretty surprised to see the great lord has a human!" One demon said sneaking behind both injuring me right on my stomach.
I heard footsteps run straight towards us I glanced to see koori and two others. "Hyaku,take her to hana we will take of the rest"
I nodded running over to the temple with the girl right behind.
I looked down at her to see blood on her right shoulder.
I pushed her inside dropping to my knees.
"Sir!" Hana said "don't touch me" I wairned as I saw her come over,
"go over to her first"I pointed to her.

"Sir,I only have so much energy now and it is only befiting if I heal you,you can heal her" she said

"Am not touching her" I said crossing my arms as hana healed me,I flinched when I felt her put something to cure it.

Shortly after koori came in "it's done we suffuered heavy lossed but in the end we won" he said plopping down.
