Chapter 75

The power I felt, the strength that I had, the speed I possessed were all so surreal that I could hardly believe it to be true. I wanted to throw back my head and laugh at the simplicity of it all. How I wished I had come to Satan sooner.

Shunsuke thought he could break through to me with his petty, useless words. Unfortunately, it was only strengthening the small voice in the back of my mind. I had finally figured out what that voice was. It was the light that still lingered in my soul. The part of me that couldn't let Shunsuke go. How good it would feel to silence it.

He had kicked me to the ground, an unexpected action. I grinned, enjoying the challenge. Shunsuke got up, reaching for the sword and running at me. He dodged my attack and kicked me again, jumping on top of me, grabbing my wrists.

"Listen," he pleaded, looking me square in the eyes as I stopped struggling, ready to here his peace before I killed him. "I am sorry for everything; I truly am. I just want you, kayden."

The Light in my soul flickered upon hearing his words. It gave it hope. What did it know? He was probably just telling me what he thought we wanted to hear. He betrayed us once, he'll do it again. The hope the voice held was growing stronger the harder Shunsuke fought.

My eyes widened, tricking him into thinking that I was turning to the light, to wanting to be with him. He started letting go of my wrists when I smirked watching his eyes widen in surprise. I swiftly moved so that I was dominating, using my hand to pierce through his stomach.

He looked down to see my hand still lodged into his body. He smiled weakly, "I guess I did deserve that" He coughing out blood. He leaned over me and kissed me. "I love you kayden, and I am sorry." he said, as he fell to the ground.

I stumbled back, away from him shaking my head. The voice in my head was getting stronger, begging to be let out to be with him, not wanting him to die. Then there was the other part of me that wanted to curl up in a corner and cry about what I had just done.

But the evil side, the darker side of me, wanted to laugh and spit on his body. I was torn between three different sides, unsure of what I was going to do.

Dia could see the torment in Lady Kayden's soul. She couldn't quite overcome the darkerside. Dia knew what she had to do. Flying over to Shunsuke, she used the last of her life force to bring him back, to completely heal him and give him her essence.

With this, he could help Lady Kayden. With a smile, Dia let the Light guide her through the tunnel.
