Chapter 12

I was glad I didn't have to pay the rent for the new apartment,me and kayden were soon were going to be moving. my uncle decided to pay it,as long as I finished my last year in high school and went to college. I wasn't to tried about the last part,although he said it was my mothers wishes,and I just wasn't going to ignore that,although I wasn't to clear about my future.

I looked back to kayden "if you want you can sleep on my room,I will stay in the living room" I said. "Sure" she said, I nodded as I opened the door of the house. "Make your self at home," I said heading upstairs to take a shower, after a few minutes I got out wearing my shorts and a towel behind my neck. I went downstairs to see kayden looking around the house.
"Who's that?" She asked pointing at the picture frame in the wall,I looked at it closely "Oh,that's Me,my mother and my uncle that was taken ten years ago," I said looking at it. Kayden looked around when she looked up at a picture my mother in her wedding dress.
"That was when my mother got married" I said "and your father?" She asked " I don't know never met him." I said sitting down in the couch. "And where is your mother,is she with your grandmother?" She asked. I looked down,and swallowed "she is dead," I answered unable to look at her.
"I don't know how she died,in fact no one knows" I said.
I didn't hear her say anything more,"what do the tattoos mean" she asked I looked up I shrugged "I was just being a rebellious." I said "no meaning at all,but there is this weird looking one I don't remember getting at all" I said.
"Do all humans get that" she said.

"I don't know, but most of them have it" I said laying down in the couch,a couple minutes later I fell asleep while talked to her.
The sound of the alarm woke me up making me fall of I pushed the snooze button and hurried down I didn't want to make her mad,after what she told me. I ran down the stairs and quickly grabbed a bagel, to see her waiting. "There's no demons like yesterday is there?" I asked the bagel in my mouth. "No I don't sence any" she said looking around. "Good,I don't want to start my day like that" I said. "Want some?" I offered her part of my bagel. "No,am not hungry" she said "alright then your loss" I said finishing the bread. "You know it's kinda nice not to have thouse things following around once in a while." I said.
"The demons?" She asked looking up at me, I nodded "yeah,before you came those thing started out small,now they come from big to huge" I said, "mayve they are afraid,of you now that I have someone watching my back" I said putting my hands in the pockets of my pants. I smiled.

We arrived to see hideki walking up to kayden mainly with a wide smile. "Did you use the notes?" He asked looking down at kayden "what notes?" I asked, "I let her borrow my notebook yesterday for Physics" he said. "You could have asked me,I have the same class as this guy".I said looking away. "Thank you" she said. He nodded and looked back to me. "Oh your stalker is looking for you,"he said. "Who,?" I asked "Yuki" he answered "ignore her,she is anoying.I said walking away.
I sighed as school soon started,
