Stupid Rant With No Point, so don't read

I think my face is too big for my head. Hmm.
So, I think I might have a record going. Three almost-relationships in three weeks. That's a new one for me. First one was a girl who ended up going back out with her ex, of course she DID tell me how sorry she was that things weren't going to happen between us. Whatever. Another one is with a girl that asked me out to get a bite, so I was thinking sure, why not? Turns out that she's making out with a different guy while we're there, so huh. I'm cheated on before they even date me, awesome. Last one is a girl that turned out to be a creeper.. She started asking about me and my brother and shizz.. It got REALLY disturbing when she suggested we do things with each other, so enough said, no... I think that I'm better off with out that.
I give up, I don't think I'm going to find anyone good any time soon and LOVE SUCKS A$$!!!!!!!!! I'll just lay down and wait to die now for all it matters >__<
Anyway, I'm deleting the Stereotypes world later tonight. Huhuh.. South Park is so stupid

*Sad* I guess it really doesn't matter. I might really just delete the whole site altogether. I got a stomach ache =3= I'm going to go to bed now, dream my weird assdreams lmfao
