Oh I'm a gummy bear. Yes, a gummy bear.

I fill stuffed from apple juice.. Not listening to any music right now because my ipod isn't with me :( huhuh. Today was way too boring, nothing went on. at all. I remember a dream I had last night where I was with my dog's pups and then they started inflating like balloons and popped into nothingness. It made me sad. ANYWHO I think that for this weekend I'm going to lay back and watch movies because I have nothing better to do. With some flucking POPCORN, yo. lmfao XD Thinking about watching District 9~
I have like nothing to talk about.. so why am I posting? Ehh, who knows, maybe I just like wasting your time, huhuh. Dammm I just forgot what I was going to type. *thinks, fails and hits self* DX
Oh, so I think I might delete the Stereotypes Unfold world.. Since I don't see it having a point anymore and don't know why I made it in the first place =__='
Today at school it was boy/girl switch day and a friend of mine said that it would be funny if a bunch of christian activists marched into the school, lmfao basically people had to dress like the opposite gender, so a lot of guys actually did put out the effort to dress like a girl, some even had bras and stuffed those with something, pretty funny shizz I tell you The girls didn't do as much, they basically just put marker on their face to make it look like beards or something. I didn't dress up because I forgot, also, I don't think it matters. Some random person told me, Hey you sure are in the spirt of dressing up! because he considers my style of clothes girl clothes anywya. whatever. A couple of friends of mine forgot to dress up too, so they just went around telling people they were Butch/Gay like that, hahaha
Sooo I think maybe I wasted enough time with my ramble, so I'll stop. Comment if you want, not going to inforce it anymore..

Update: Yahoo, I got a new replacement ipod :D My other one was busted so I sent it back and I got a new one. I'll sinc it with my itunes tomorrow since it'll take way too long to sonc right now. The sky is blue
