Let's do the DO, man

I decided to make my own flippin' world on here!! I don't want to keep uploading my random BS up on the stereotype world huhuhuh. So what do you all think? Not bad, eh?
SO LET ME TELL ALL OF YOU ABOUT MY DAY. I drank juice, that's it. :B nothing exciting, just chillaxing up here in the house.. with my juice yo. OMG, if my brother doesn't get out of my face I'm going to have to give him a beat down lmfao Oh, and the title of my world.. Yeahhh~ Me and some people were insulting each other today for fun and then one girl says to me Shut up you flucking ghoob! So I'm just there for a while then I'm just ..Wtf's a Ghoob?!?! She said that I'M the definition of a ghoob. so there you are. I'm the Ghoob now. :B Problem is, I think it's sticking.
OMG. a ladybug. I'm going to watch me some ladybug stuff now. I'M GOING TO THEME MY WORLD WITH LADYBUGS. Oh, I think maybe she got ghoob from the song "I'm a goofyghoober, yeah" from spongebob XD lmfao

I'm updating at like, twelve almost.. I'm just so bored... :( I'm not getting angry-bored more like depressed-bored *Sigh* ~Angst is a biAtch~ I think I'm going to be up most of the night moping now >__< Great, just what I need on a Friday night. Huh... just remembered I might go to the movies tomorrow morning. schweet, I'm soo going to be that one person that laughs and talks through the movie loudly while eating popcorn and hitting people with it and making us get kicked out then getting glared at by whoever I go with. :B
There's also a party tomorrow night that I might go to that starts around seven, I don't know if I should go though. I'll go over it in my head. I'll probably go, it's not like I have anything else planned out or anything. It could be fun, huhuhuh.. Damm still feel kind of mopey *Slaps self* SNAP OUT OF IT D'X
I was in a bad mood a little earlier too. My mom didn't know I was feeling rotten (still doesn't) and made me put away dishes while she swept. I accidentaly let a cereal box tip over and the cereal starts spilling out and I'm just watching it like a dumbass until it kind of registered and I stopped it. Mom saw that and just put the broom down and walked away. I swept it up, nothing bad happened, just me looking like a jerk T__T

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