First off, you should go visit my girlfriend Ai's world. She's the sweetest, cutest, most adorable girl EVAR. I will assassinate those who dare oppose me!! I'm NOBLE, the one who constantly updates rants about shizz, basically all the time! This is my world, my HOME. I am letting all of you into my HOME so be flucking careful with my shizz! ):<

Ok, so now that I'm done being a freaking moron, huhuh, I'll begin. :B So I'm going to be updating stuff on here whenever I feel like it, and maybe people will just care enough to stop by. If you stop by.. I DEMAND THAT YOU COMMENT! I hate seeing when people visit the worlds and they don't comment.
(Seriously. I will go coockoo-ca-choo-on-you. You don't want that.)
I'm a pretty decent guy I think. Some people might not really like me, I'm someone who LOVES to talk and I will talk about ANYTHING, if there isn't anything to talk about then I will COMPLAIN and if there isn't something to stop me from complaining I will get ANGRY at being BORED and will FLIP OUT. :B I have my up and down days, I'm pretty annoying after a while, and I like to cuss and be violent. j/k, I am the BEST EVER. Seriously, I'm so badass.. It's insane.

Do whatever you like here, just make sure you comment, I love comments. When you comment, comment about the post, not just random things, that's what Messaging is for!! If you don't follow those rules then I will hunt you the fluck down. Say what you want to say, I don't care what it is. Speak your mind I won't censor you or anything. You got something to say to me than just flucking say it! lmfao. later


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~Noble, BiAtch ;P

Staring blankly at the wall causes brain shortages

So.. For Valentine's Day, I'm crippled and single. lmfao, usually I like this holiday, but not this year. So far it sucks arse, and it hasn't even started yet. huhuh... *sobs*


MY DOG HAD PUPPIES!!! D: We didn't even know she was pregnant!!!!! We just wake up in the morning and hear like, mewing and so we go downstairs and there's like five puppies!!! HOLY SHIZZ DX

Fluff balls are trying to suffocate you while you sleep

So... I'm back again. I was actually probably not going to come back here for a good while because it's kind of boring since I don't know, lmfao~ but here I am yo. You know why? It's because I broke my foot. My whole freaking foot isn't broken, just some parts XD huhuh.. Funny, eh? I was bowling yesterday and this guy that was on my team kept annoying me because he would say things like Oh look! You got a strike finally! or something like You should let me bowl for your turn. I'm just thinking.. BiAtch. lmfao, anyway, that's beside the point! The way my toe got broken was that somebody was eating french fries and it was their turn to go (NOT the smartest thing to do, obviously) and while he was aiming to swing his shot, It was going to be my turn in the next lane and I got up and started going there when all of a sudden this big flucking red bowling ball smashes on to my foot. D; It hurts so much, I think that when it hit me the only thing I could yell out to that guy was you flucking biAtch, lmfao XD I was kinda mad, I guess. But me and the friend I went with left after that. I don't know why we'd STAY, since I'm like writhing in pain, huhuh j/k, we went to the ER to get it checked out and yeah, I have a couple of pretty broken toes and that the metatarsal is fractured. I didn't even know what a freaking metatarsal was, lol. Now my foot is in this cast and I have crutches to walk on. The doctor said it'll probably be about two months for my foot to heal. Oh, and the crutches make my shoulders hurt. So that's my story for the day :B Other than that, I think I finally realized that I'm the dumbest person I know XD A buddy and I were having a conversation during study hall, and we were pretty hyped up about talking until the teacher (who is a cross the room) says, Noble.. John.. I don't mind if people speak in my study hall.. but I shouldn't be able to hear you as if I'm sitting right next to you two.
Everyone else in the class was quiet and then started laughing, so my conclusion is that I can't whisper, lol. OMG, I just remembered something else that was funny in a class of mine. My teacher was using a power point presentation and was going to explain something else on the chalk board beside it, so I'm looking at the power point and see a pop-up on a little kid who was going to skateboard down a huge ramp and I just yelled out DON'T DO IT!! then my teacher turns back to look at me and is like huh?? she looks at the power point then says Oh, I was confused for a second, I thought you were saying don't write on the chalkboard!
Then once more.. students started laughing. I didn't mean to be funny, huhuh Xp
Having a cast makes me be able to be late to class, and gives me privilege to use the school elevators >:D Sweet.
OH, I had a dream last night. There were roller coasters in it, and I was riding on one, the coasters were fast and the sky was dark so I think it was night time, and somebody that said they wanted to be like spiderman started climbing out and crawled on the side of the roller coaster. Somehow it started raining starfish. o_O huhuh

I soooo forgot why I went to youtube for. XD I think I was staring at it for a good minute or two before I remembered that I was going to use the charlie video.



Sharpies smell like cookies.

I ate too much D; Now I feel bloated. and fat. huhuhuh.. I'm listening to Ke$ha right now, her music's pretty alright. I'm wondering if I'd be able to lip sinc any of her songs~ jk :B I have like... nothing to talk about *sad face* I'm burning CD's for a friend of mine that lacks an mp3/ipod XD She's sooo going to owe me for it, too! That's me, I'll do nice things for ya, but don't think I won't go Italian mafia on you :P Hmm.. I think my tongue is burned. I ate too much soup, and the thing is that I stuck the spoon in my mouth while it was still hot because I am something called a 'badonkadonk'. -_-
Anywho, I'm just going to show you guys a picture of me with my wonderful beanie and cool-as-hell inflated cheeks!
~Right harr plz~
OMG I found a gigantic bottle of ketchup!!! O:< Who bought such a big ketchup bottle?!?! It's HUGE. I think we're going to go eat dinner in a little bit.. I'm going to explode *Sobs*
Oh, I had this dream last night with dancing silverware and cars were angry at them and crashed on to them. o_o After that, I think it was something about a drying machine that tried to eat me.. I have flucked up dreams, lmfao.

NOW I WILL PUT UP CHARLIE THE UNICORN FOR YOUR VIEWING PLEASURES. Mmm.. Pumpkin seeds are yummy. I know, we should all go to Candy Mountain :D

I'm posting again!! I went to the store with my bro and sis. I think it just confirms the fact that I think we're mentally challenged, lmfao XD I had an umbrella I was going to buy a rainbow umbrella just to stir things up, though I really did want the umbrella. My sister grabbed it from me and stabbed my bro with it, so I was going to be all HAHA! You got stabbed with a rainbow colored umbrella! But before I could finish saying it, she poked me with it D:. It was horrifying. Do you know how it feels like to be chased by your sister that's trying to stab you with a very bright umbrella? lmfao. In the end, I didn't get to buy the unbrella.. I totally forgot about it until we were driving home and I was like OMFG WHERE'S MY UMBRELLA?! D:< huhuh, but I did buy clothes, some dress pants for three bucks, tight jeans for seven, and four shirts for four dollars each :B I'm a thrifty shopper, aka Cheap! I just forgot to buy socks though... Now I have no socks ): lol. On the drive home, we were pretty stupid too. My brother had a flashlight and was goofing around with it, then my sister took it and shined it on her face and asked if she looked scary, my bro said No, you look like a hairy man.
XD She beat him soooo bad for that. WE HAVE A WAFFLE MAKER, now I'm going to eat waffles for breakfast every day :'D Isn't that awesome? I have a new favorite tv show, it's called Fanboy and Chum Chum XD The show is so dumb but sadly I can relate to it. I think I'm Fanboy D: huhuh. My bro asked me to write his short essay for him but I said no, because my writing style is more advance than his (I have a higher English level than he does) and he just said.. But you write better Noble! XD That was the dumbest ever.

Since I'm bored again I'll post up some random facts

1. I'm a good student actually :B Wouldn't have guessed THAT, eh?

2. I have no socks :(

3. I think that I spend like, a third of my time home, in the kitchen

4. I just learned my bro was chocking on a cough drop last night XD

5. I constantly use my ipod

6. I try making debates during each lunch time at school

7. I love Charlie the Unicorn and anything funny

8. The walls in my room are covered with posters. Well.. my half, Honor has the otherQ

9. My bro said that a chibi I tried to make looks like a posessed mutant doll D;

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[No offense intended]

A star wants to eat your brains

I'm eating cereal, not listening to anything right now. *Sniffles* My nose feels stuffed up. Apparently I can make myself sound like Flapjack! huhuhuh. It's because I was in study hall and went up to a pal of mine in there. For no reason I squished up my cheeks and sad I'm bored, she like flipped out telling me I sound like flapjack. dudududududududududud I forget what I was going to write aghhhhhh *Hits head* I'll update again when I remember, so KEEP TUNED.
OMG we have chocolate cheerios. D8
lmfao, I got a question if it isn't too much to ask, am I kind of rough around the edges? Like, do I come off as a harsh person or something? I asked that to my buddy during study hall. I asked that to him because well.. I was in another class, right? And I was checking participation points for the class and noticed that this one guy Anthony was the only one with more points than me BY TWO. (I'm a NERD and a teacher's pet. ok? Xp huhuh) so I went over to him when he was talking to someone and just told him to shut up. He said ok and actually STOPPED talking. So I'm like.. wtf, I just kidding for the participation points, you got more than me! So then he says Oh! I thought you just wanted me to stop talking in general. o_o Nah, lol.
ANYWAY, I asked my friend the question, right? I made someone laugh because of the way I asked it. It was dead silent and I just asked him outloud if he thinks I'm too rough, lmfao :B He said ...Depends on what way. So we just started being stupid and shizz like that huhuhuh But I didn't really get an answer from him, and at the lunch table the peeps would only tell me that I get a little 'over excited', wtf is that supposed to mean? lol. *Hits my head* what else, what else.. Hmm... Oh, my friend told me this funny thing her bro did. They were in art class and were bored so he just looked around the room to his buddy just bouncing around on a chair and he started laughing like a dumbass huhuh XD His friend stopped doing that and yelled out that he was nasty. I went bowling again, this time AFTER school XP I swear, this one guy just like RAMMED into me when I was putting away the bowling shoes and made me hit against the wall >:( I don't even know who that jerk was! I think that my brother and I are like.. completely insufficient in brain cells. I was walking around and Honor was just following around snickering. Later, my sis just points out and is like ...Noble, why is there a balloon attached to your butt?
My brother is ALWAYS doing that! One day, I'm just going to get him back. maybe I'll put shaving cream on his hand tonight and make him slap himself, lmfao Now I got me a baby spoon and some yogurt. OMG I just tripped on a pillow. Now where did my granola sprinkles go?!?! Ok, they're in my hand :B I'm a loser
