dr. who

Grrr!!! i've been watching the 2nd and 3rd seasons of dr.who with david tennant (my fave doctor) and i saw the 11th doctor online and he looks like a cocky jerk! tennants doctor was and is much more...more...awesome. That's the word i'm looking for, awesome. just the way the 11th doctor looks here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/dw/characters/Eleventh_Doctor
makes him look like a ass.

they made the daleks look cooler though. but still the way the 10th doctor acts (crazy, etc) just made me think, wow that dude is epic.

Oh, and also suna and I are in need of names for two characters for a comic/story
we're writing. The story is called "Querryland" it's kind of a spin-off of "alice in wonderland". the names we need are for the prince of clubs (must be plant related)
and the prince of spades. if you have an idea for a name PM Sunachick or Me.

thx, FrFx

ps if you have any other character ideas we could use plz tell us. ^^
