Long last 24 hours

Tyler thought he had bruised or brokken his tailbone because he was in a lot of pain all weekend, to the point he skipped 2 days of school.
Tuesday night his mom took him to the ER because he was in so much pain he couldn't hardly move and he had a fever of 102.2.
Well turns out he had a cyst on his tailbone that full of infection. the hospital here kept him overnight so they could give him antibiotics and pain meds via an I.V and by noon the wednesday he was in Beliot (bout 40 miles away from Oz) being admitted for surgery to remove the cyst.
Everything went well, he got to come home (same day surgery) he's a little unsteady on his feet and tired.
He can't go back to school for the rest of the year, which is like a week and a half,
so that's a bit of a bummer for him since this is his senior year.
The school is going to give him the homework he'll have to do so he can graduate. Tylers going to come over to my house in the morning while his mom is at work, that wway I can help him with his schoolwork and maybe I'll actually mine done lol
I'm hoping he'll feel better for his grad party the 21st.

Pic of the grad gift I bought him ^^
