Maria~not amusing

This Rin person was very quickly earning a place on my "do not trust" list--right behind Leon himself, in fact. She walked out of the kitchen, and I followed a few minutes after, tracking her jet-black aura. Whatever she was up to, I doubted it was as simple as Leon was hungry and she wanted to mash him some potatoes.

After a while, I began to think that Rin was aware of being followed, since she had wound her way through the fortress several times, and showed no signs of stopping anywhere.

I swore softly under my breath and ducked into a doorway to let my thoughts catch up to me. Not that I liked her, particularly, but I'd have appreciated having even Tessa nearby--if only for someone to bounce ideas off of.

Finally, I gave up on following Rin, and decided to look for someone--anyone--to talk to about her, besides I was feeling ind of...lonely?
