Victor ---- Eavesdropping

I heard a sound like laughter somewhere in the distance, turning to Victor I gave him a quizzical look.
"It appears we have company. . ." he murmured.
I sighed "oh dear, just what I needed."
"Hold up, m'dear. I'll check." With that Victor dove down under the water again and was gone.
I sat shivering for awhile, the water was getting really cold, until I heard him come back. He was giggling quietly to himself. "My dear boy! You will NEVER believe what I just saw"
"What?! What?!" I looked at him frantically.
Victor just grinned and looked even more pleased with himself. "I do believe little Yuuki and that Lepidus are hitting it off quite well." He looked a little dreamy-eyed for a moment "She does have a lovely smile. . ." Victor murmured wistfully.
"Alas! We should be going." He swam off and jumped out of the water, landing neatly on the bank.
I snorted "You look like a dolphin."
Victor bowed gracefully and held out his hand; ignoring it I clambered out of the water and onto the grass.
"Should we go back?" I asked sprawling on the ground.
Victor shrugged "I suppose so. It might be a bit easier going along with them, but it's all up to you in the end."
Groaning, I got up and shook my head, trying to dry myself off. Victor snickered and said something about a drowned rat, but I didn't pay any heed, I was getting used to his jibes.
"Come on, let's get you to a fire."
We walked back in silence, as we entered the camp we saw two very flustered people; Spati and Moonsong to be exact. They had a bowl of berries and we standing by the fire, as if not sure what they should be doing.
"What do we have here?" Asked Victor. "Oh! Lingonberries! I can make a mean pie with those." Victor whistled. "Good job, kiddos." With that he sat down by the fire and patted the ground next to him. I plopped down beside him and hugged my knees. It was damn cold.
"I know someone who lives nearish here. He's a. . .doctor of sorts. As soon as the other two come back we should head out there, he'll be able to tell us some of what's going on." Victor said nonchalantly.
Great! I thought to myself, he's going to do it again.
