
I stood there, not sure what to do. Moonsong just stood there too, looking at me. I sighed and sat down. I turned to face her and again she just smiled. I started picking berries. Moonsong sat down next to me and did the same. My heart started to feel heavy as I smiled in her direction. "Do you know what I mean?", I said as I picked a handful of berries. Suddenly, I heard a noise in the bushes...and then Ghostie came walking out from them. She smiled and sat down next to us and asked how we were doing and if she could help. I looked over at her and tried to smile, but it was hard. "Good, I guess.", I said in a quiet tone. Ghosti started to hunt for mushrooms as I looked back at her. Moonsong looked at me just as I looked at her. Finally I said, "Is there something you want to say?", just as I looked down at her, I caught a squirrel, trying to steal some of our berries. "Well, looks like we have something to go with the berries.", I snickered. I looked back at Moonsong who looked like she had something to say...
