Moonsong~Did that really just happen?

..."What the!" I accidentally called out. Spati and Victor + Victor just created a truce. "Sorry, just kinda shocked that all" I called out as Spati and the 2 dudes (Juss for now) looked at me. Spati and Victor just made a truce I kept saying over and over to myself. Whats wrong with that? Then why am I feeling so uneasy? I got bad vibes from this guy but hey, who am I to talk? So Spati showed 2 dudes to a comfty sitting area and all gathered around. I sat by Spati and Victor sat next to me. Ghosti and the 2 Yuukis ended the circle. There were flowers in the clearing we were in. I picked one and held it. "Such a pretty flower" I said to myself. It was like a blue version of a sunflower.
Spati started talking. "I have a theory on why were here." I interrupted him.
"Sorry Spati, but im here to help the people on Althorias. The Otherworlds are colliding with Althorias and was it does, everything will be chaotic. Nobody on Althorias is trained in the way of battle, somehow when we came here we got powers too. If the worlds collide, all the peaceful creatures will die because of the bloodthirsty demons in this world." They were speechless. "Please continue with your theory,Spati"
