Steven Luis

Name:Steven Luis.
personality:timid,easy to scare, very kind.
Backstory:he is a timid kid that is the younger brother to playback. he was a normal kid until one day people attacked hi. Home with playback defending him his family with the family sword and for his protection left him. He is now here to be with his brothers and cousin. And he has latent powers he has barely any control over.
Likes:his family, popcorn, the food his family makes.
Dislikes:scary things, hi barely controllable powers.
Personality:he is a timid yet kind boy earner to help this he knows but runs away at the sight of new people due to his timidness.
Appearance:messy green hair with golden eyes and wearing a green t-shirt and beige shorts with sneakers.
Dn't scare him too much folks his powers are driven by emotion that much he and I know.
