Kita's Ice-Breaker

Say "hi" to a person who...

  • has the same eye color as you Kai
  • has the same hair color as you Ozzy
  • likes the same food as you Akihiko
  • shares an interest with you Kaji likes SPORTS! d>u<b
  • is (close to) the same age as you Aureus

PM or comment to a person...

  • you'd invite to your house Fu!
  • you'd like to have a meal with Playback
  • you'd like to play a game with Kai
  • you'd take with you to a fair/festival Alice and her sibs!
  • you'd like to have as a sibling Sachiro would be the cutest big sis' ever!!
  • who has clothes you like Ace
  • you think is cool/nice Kile

Ask someone...

  • if he/she has any siblings Katara -- Nope.
  • to introduce you to his/her best friend Lucian -- Gabriella
  • where he/she likes to go Katy -- Disney World
  • what his/her favorite music genre is Clide -- Indie
  • who he/she looks up to Zebra -- Panda's grandfather
  • when he/she last saw a movie and what he/she saw Mimi -- hasn't answered yet
  • what he/she likes or dislikes most about school Dewey -- likes the lessons
  • if he/she likes animals and what his/her favorite animal is AlaXastar -- Cats or parakeets
  • for a treat Haha, wow! Awkward, much?? I asked Excel.
  • to give you a hug Panda

Tally 'em up! Was there an OC who appeared in your ice-breaker more than once? Kai. So, um, does that mean we're pals? XD
