Red vs Blue - Facsimile

"Come on, Simmons, we get to go on guard duty!" Donut said cheerfully as he poked his head into the rec room where Simmons lay sprawled out on their only couch.

He looked up from the book he was reading. "What?!" he exclaimed, shoving his bookmark into the center roughly. "I was just on guard duty!"

Donut's cheerfulness faded slightly as he bit his lip. "Um... Sarge said he thought the blues were specifically going to attack today."

Simmons rolled his eyes. "Sure, right. Because they were really doing a lot of stuff when I was sitting out there watching them before."

Frowning, Donut tried again. "It's true! Sarge said it was really important!"

"I'll believe that only if he comes in here and tells me himself." He turned back to his book, licking the tip of his thumb slightly so he could better turn the page.

Donut huffed. "Fine!" He turned from the room and could be heard a moment later pounding on Sarge's door. "Saaarge! Simmons won't listen to meeee!"

The door swung open and the telltale click of Sarge's boots echoed in the hallway. "What in tarnation are you talkin' about, Cupcake?"

Simmons strained his ears to hear the next part of the conversation, but the hushed words were just low enough that he couldn't figure out what they were saying. He could tell they were arguing, though, and he heard Sarge exclaim, "What?!" a few times, which left him with a feeling of extreme curiosity and suspicion. Finally, Sarge clomped into the room, grumbling at Donut who was making a show of pushing him in.

"Well?" Donut prompted, shifting his weight and gesturing towards Simmons.

Sarge sighed. "Simmons, I need you and Private Pinky here to go on a little patrol. The Blues are up to no good and all that." He paled a little at Donut's glare, and cleared his throat before continuing. "I mean, ah, you two will have to go spy on those dirty rascals. Figure out their plan, so we can appropriately squash them later. Stay out as long as ya want. Preferably for a long time." He glared at Simmons as if to dare him to refuse.

"Y-yessir," Simmons muttered, looking bewildered at his sergeant's strange behavior. He turned to Donut for some sort of explanation but the younger man just looked away from him and started to whistle innocently. Which, of course, just made him look more suspicious.

Simmons stood and breezed past the other men, heading for his room to get his armor.

"WAIT!" exclaimed Donut, who threw himself into Simmons' path. He raised an eyebrow at the pink soldier's antics, crossing his arms and tapping a foot as if waiting for an explanation.

Donut withered slightly under his gaze. "Um... your armor is over there," he said feebly, pointing to where it was piled next to the ladder that led above ground. Simmons frowned.

"What is it doing there?"

"I, uh, moved it there for you!" Donut beamed widely, reaching out to tug Simmons in the direction of his armor.

"Wait, you went into my room and moved my stuff without permission?"

Donut gulped under the murderous glare Simmons was directing at him. "Uh..."

"Get the fuck out of my way," Simmons snapped finally, pushing Donut to the side and heading to his armor, snapping it on angrily before stomping up the ladder.

Donut heaved a sigh of relief, trudging after the maroon Spartan and picking up his own armor along the way. Hopefully, he could keep him distracted for most of the day...