Red vs Blue - Facsimile

Simmons stood on the top of the base, glowering into the sun that beat down on him. Even inside his armor, he swore he could feel that fucking sun, melting, baking, burning his skin. Burning away his time, his life. The corner of his mouth raised in a grimace and he yelled into the sky, "Fuck you!"

"What was that?"

The maroon private turned to see Grif, half-armored and lighting a cigarette. He was smiling, tipping his head up to feel the rays of the sun, and Simmons had to beat down the urge to strangle the idiot right then and there. How could he stand it?!

Oh. Right. He grew up in Hawaii.

Simmons snorted in disgust and turned away, focusing his anger on the sun again. As much as he'd like to kill the man behind him at the moment, all it would mean in the long run was extra work, scrubbing blood from the concrete under this fucking sun.

"You want one?" Grif's voice cut into his thoughts.

"What?" Simmons snapped, turning to see Grif smirking, a cigarette outstretched. He eyed it incredulously before retorting, "I don't smoke, moron."

Grif just shrugged and placed the cancer stick back in its flimsy cardboard pack. "I know, I just thought I'd offer one anyway." He pulled in a deep drag of his cigarette and puffed the smoke out to curl around Simmons' helmet, lips curving into a satisfied smile. "Your loss, buddy."

"If you're going to smoke that, do it away from me," Simmons said, taking a few paces away from the other man. Grif chuckled and followed him, standing just as close as he had been before. Simmons groaned, spinning to face Grif again. "Look," he ground out, poking an argumentative finger into Grif's chest, "I'm not in a good mood today, so just leave me the fuck alone."

Grif just brushed Simmons' hand away and feigned a smile of innocence. "Oh, are you on your period?"


"Sorry, sorry. You know I can't resist."

"Fucking asshole," Simmons muttered darkly.

"Simmons, I said I was sorry. Jokes aside, I really want to know why you're always so pissy all the time."

"Psh, sure. Glad to know I have such a caring friend. NOT."

"I'm serious. I mean, every time you're like this you wreck my mood, too. You're turning into a total mood-wrecker, Simmons. And nobody likes a mood-wrecker."

"And what do you plan on doing with my bad mood, smart ass?"

"Fix it."

Simmons couldn't keep the cynical laugh from bursting out of him. "Riiight, and there's actually a way to do that."

"I'm sure there's some way."

Simmons eyed him suspiciously. "Is this some kind of joke?"

"What?" Grif's eyebrows snapped together in confusion. "Why would I joke about something like this?"

"I don't know, to make fun of me for it later?"

"You need to stop being so suspicious all the time, Simmons," Grif chided. "I'm here out of the goodness of my heart, to help my best friend--"

"You HAVE no goodness in your heart, Grif. And what the fuck, 'best friend'?"

"Okay, okay. You win. I'm here because I'm sick and tired of you dragging yourself around base and whining like a bitch about stupid things all the time."

"Gee, hearing that really makes me feel better."

"Well, you wanted the truth, didn't you?"

"I guess so." He fell silent, staring at Grif for a moment. "...You really, honestly want to know?"

Grif's only response was a nod. Simmons sighed in defeat.

"Fine, but you better not laugh or I'm going to stab you in your sleep."

"Deal. But... without the stabbing part."

Simmons paused, trying to think of the best way to convey his longing. "I hate this sun, how it never sets. I think if I don't see the stars again I'm going to go fucking insane."



"You miss the stars."


"That's a really retarded thing to get your panties in such a twist over."

"You promised you wouldn't laugh."

"Do you hear me laughing?"

They fell silent, Grif staring incredulously at Simmons. Simmons stared back through his visor, wondering darkly why he had even agreed to tell the other spartan. Finally the maroon soldier turned away, muttering a soft, "Leave me alone."

Grif shrugged, but did as Simmons had asked him. "Weirdo," he said over his shoulder before he disappeared into the base.