Long time no type!

Hey everyone is yours truly once again! :D

Nothing new really, I had my week’s vacation two weeks ago and it was okay. They changed the schedule for my capstone class to Tuesdays to Wednesday’s soooo, being so forgetful me I forgot that it had that it changed so I came to school on Tuesday anyway. YAY…. So I pretty much got my roster for the semester which was all screwed up as well. My capstone class that was originally in the morning was listed at night as well as my friends that had night anyways. So then between me and him it really was at night instead of being a morning and a night class you can choose from.

THEN the next day being in my real class the roster was a big fat error and capstone is ONLY in the morning. Which is a relief, I really didn’t want to come home around midnight or leave out in the middle of the day where its super freak’n hot. Oh, did I mention it’s my last semester and I’ll be graduating in September? Which is scary because entry level jobs in my field is rare and I’ve been looking for jobs since I was in school and never was hired or interviewed so that’s really discouraging as hell :\. So yeah trying to stay on the positive side of things still.

So I found out who was my teacher in both my classes and it was the really good one Miss Medley! I had her for my first animation 2 class and she did very well! So I was jumping off the walls when I found out that she was the teacher I will be having my last term with.

So yeah, capstone is working on a big product showing all what we learned through out school. I have the all the best class mates too and my friend is there so I’m happy. For our first assignment we had to make a logo for ourselves and projects. There were a lot of good ideas out there too. We sketched what they looked like and posted them up so everyone can have they say and etc. Mines were 777 productions. I made the sketch and everything in Photoshop so I may show it later. I made other icons and things for myself. The other one I liked was Lazy fox productions with a chibi me sleeping under the words.

I might make my other logos too as well. We also got to think of a way to animate them. Everyone had an idea for mine so I felt really good. Still not sure how I’m going to do it. I know I just went through hell and back with flash -__-… It wouldn’t import and crashed. I tried many things and it just won’t act right, but I found a break through! After it crashes and asks to wait for a response, I chose that and a few seconds the window for the import comes up. So yeah, I found a way around it XD.

Oh I almost forgot my own project. It’s going to be an animated comic book! With my totally original characters and storyline like I mentioned before. If everything goes well at the end of the project I might upload it somewhere.

Besides that, I haven’t been too active here at all. So sorry for my total laziness but it seems like the O seemed to dry up a bet as well for some reason… not to mention the TMM section, it just like freak’n died or something. I got pictures to post too but just too lazy XD. I have to update on the clubs as well… So much work to do.

So what’s up with the rest of the world out there? Is everybody is trying to stay on the good side of things like me also? I hope everything is going well for everybody out there too. Oh and thanks for some of the subs and comments also. They mean a lot even if I don’t get a chance to comment back. :3

Till next time! :D
