I make bombs in the kitchen, or at least she thinks so...

Hey everybody!

The start of success?

The very first thing I want to talk about is of course my angel card reading business. After finally learning how to put my card reading fan page under my personal FB page, I was able to have full control of my fan page. I could comment, post on other pages and most of all interact as "Follow Your Inner Child Readings" instead of Amy on face book. I wasn't able to do so before which was really strange. I would comment on something, and the comment would show up right when I made it, but if I leave the page and come back to it, it would disappear.

Now that I got that settled, and started to interact with others on FB, I've been getting more pageviews and overall activity then ever on my blog and fan page! I've gotten more then 20 new followers on the fan page, since I switched it over which was on the week of Valentine's day. I'm so excited because people enjoy the page, and I can finally put myself out there fully!

Also, my good friend Les have been helping me with marketing and getting my name out there. She had printed out my flyers and business cards to have them in an new age store in her area. I also did a card reading for the store owner which the store owner loved! The card reading is up in the store for people to look at as well.

I also started a blog post series that's gotten great feedback even before I started it officially!

Having all of this happen in the last few weeks have been the closest thing to a miracle I've seen in a long time, because finally I SEE things improving and looking up. I don't have to have this undying faith that it will, I see it coming together on its own. It's great because I need this to work since so many other things didn't seem to work before or work as well as my readings in such a short amount of time.

Here is a link of my fanpage if you're curious about it. :D

Vacation time with Brandon... sort of

I went to Brandon's house for a few days. I left on Wednesday night and came back on Friday night. It was fun but for one thing... I WAS STARVING most of the day on Thursday. Brandon have to walk me down to the kitchen if I want to get something to eat, because his mom gets ragey or something when we do now. She asks "what are you doing in the kitchen"... Think about that for a second. WHAT ON GOD'S GREEN EARTH COULD WE BE DOING besides getting food, like really? I'm sure we're making bombs and planning terroristic events against America at large. Or worst which I won't get into, but that kind of soiled the visit because I had to wake Brandon up from his sleep just to get some food. I hate walking people up in their sleep. I feel like they are going to snap at me for it... That and I just felt bad that I had to pester Brandon just to eat, it's really ridiculous, but I rather do that then have his mom go ape shit on him for me being there. :/

I don't go to his house often but if I spend more then 15 minutes there, I overstay my welcome (in the mom's eyes) in some fashion. Granted, all we do is play video games, watch t.v and other things in his room, but I feel rather uncomfortable if I'm not around him in his house. It kinda sucks, but I'll remember to pack food rations so I can at least have something to snack on so I don't have to wake up Brandon.

Artys Fartsy

Last thing I want to talk about is of course my art. I've been drawing a bit more lately, mainly on the weekends since I don't have as much to do during that time. I've started around 2-3 drawings that I want to complete and post here but I wouldn't hold my breath.

As much as I love to draw and start a business in that, it's simply not the right time, but I desperately need to draw more and have that total creative outlet. The good news about that is, I'm getting use to my schedule on the weekday, and things are not as stressful as they use to be, so I can fit a drawing session in more easily. If anything, I want to start doodling and such so I can have something to post. We'll see what happens.

Thanks for reading guys, take care! :D
