Q&A Done

Real post coming up later I just wanted to finally post the answers (that I did weeks ago btw)


"Ummm...when did you start watching anime and then get into drawing? Why was Tokyo Mew Mew your major inspiration (I think it is anyway lol!)?"

Hmm, when did I started watching anime? I've been watching it before I knew what it was haha. I remember waking up in the middle of the night and seeing speed racer Cartoon Network. I must of been 6-7 years old around that time. And of course I LOVED watching sailor moon, Pokemon, and all those other classics around that time so that's when I did started watching it, but didn't know it came from Japan or anything haha.
I've been drawing since I could hold a pencil haha! I was born drawing. My older sister use to draw in grade school so I use to copy her and stuff so I think that helped too. I remember drawing in 1st grade and really enjoying it then I would draw all my pets (why I draw furries/arthros now) . I would make up stories and characters inspired from all the t.v and video games I would play. It was so fun, it really shaped me into the artist I am now really. :) I think I get too hung up on drawing the perfect picture rather then just being inspired and channeling that creativity these days. I have to remember that life isn't a contest. I can sit down, draw a shitty picture and still have fun.
Oh man, tokyo mew mew. Its still an inspiration today even though I don't draw it as much. I would love to have a comic, animation, or whatever of a team of color coded magical girls... And sweets. Magical girl shows rule my world. I wouldn't know where to begin without them, but I'm not even answering your question. AHEM.

When I first saw it on the internet (a year or so?) before the dub came to America. I FELL IN LOVE WITH THE CHARATERS AND THE CONCEPT. I must of been 14-15 years old then. I actually printed the pictures out the characters and saved them in my folder of anime pictures. From there I wanted to make myself into a mew since the characters where so cute and made myself into a butterfly mew mew. This is the remake of that original picture. Funny how I'm still an arthro mew back then, I will never give up my fursona haha! From there the show came to America and I would look up the show (fan made mews mostly) and found theO. I stalked the place for about a year then finally joined and started making my own mews, then of course the rest is history. ;3
I still love that show to this very day, it combined everything I love into a 52 episode series. I still need to get the rest of the manga though. :0

Is pink your favorite color?
No, that's a stupid question.
Are you good at baking? :U

YES, PINK IS MY ALL TIME FAVORITE COLOR. I realized that pink was my favorite color back in middle school or something along that. I'm not sure of the actual moment but when I thought about it, pink was on top my favorite color list. Oh and added fun fact. Before I knew pink was my favorite color I FELL IN LOVE with the color "cerulean". I remember back in elementary school I used the crayon and my head exploded over the sheer beauty of the color. Even now when I use that color I can't help but be in awe even though its not my "personal" favorite color.
UMMM BAKING AYEEE, not really unless you count the "box" stuff and even then my sister does all the work while I grease the pan and eat the batter out the bowls HAHAHAHA. Though, I want to learn how to bake and make my own pastries. That would be FABOLOUS.

how did you the get idea to make those cute little charms?
I saw people making them online and around that time I discovered I wanted my own business selling cute hand made things. So when I finally want about my new found dream I tried my hand at polymer clay charms and feel in love with it! Then as time when by I was more infatuated with the clay sweets and started to make those, a few years later here we are haha! :D

how do i become an inspiring artist like you?

Don't take life seriously.
Don't treat life like a contest.
Don't beat yourself up when you do something wrong.
Draw when you feel like it and/or are inspired too.
When your on the internet and can't think of a place to go to, get off the computer and do something else. I found that to be a life saver for me really haha.

can you do an art trade with me sometime

I would love too. I still have to make Kiro's trade that I slacked off on (sorry bby) . But I've been drawing lately so I don't mind another trade at the moment.

where is the nearst starbucks?

Somewhere downtown, I don't go the starbucks even though I want to try their fraps or whatever. I'm a hard core dunk'n donuts fan. I basically lived off the stuff in college.

Lol I think this may help you writing answers XD
what is your favorite...

style of shose?

Sneakers for the win!

gum flavor?

Big Red which is cinnamon has always been my personal favorite but there are so many these days I can't even chose. D:


Spring since it gets warmer and my birthday (and 40% of the worlds) is in the spring time. Though I do dread the summer a lot in that time so that's the down side.

anime guys character?



Cheetahs! I love them so much! So cute and they run fast as hell! :D

food? xD

Probably whip cream, Chinese dumplings, sweets (of course), chocolate, coffee, and U-DON F YEAH


I can't really say since I'm not a flower person. I guess a rose or a cherry blossom. :0

day and why?

Not even sure anymore since I've long have been out of school and quit work. I guest Monday at this point because its a whole new week and I can start fresh again!

did ya...
do make up?

Haha no, I'm not just of a make up person but I like seeing it on other people. My older sister is a huge fan of makeup and even makes her own lip glosses!

slept with stuffed animal?

A lot when I was a kid, I don't do that much now. Then again my other side of the bed be crammed with stuff so I guess that can count too haha.

kept an animal in your house?

I love, we have two pets. A guinea pig name Caramel, and an all white cat name Dro.

slap someone? XDD

Not slapped but I did scratch at 2 kids in my childhood. XD

what is your sadest moment in your life?

Probably when my grandma and my first guinea pig Roadkill died. Then again the fact I couldn't get any fried dumplings tonight pretty much took that cake for the day. XD

what is your happiest moment?

HMM, that's a good question. I have a lot really.

do you miss some one?

Yeah, I miss a lot of people really. A lot of my school mates and stuff.

how many friends do you have?

In real life that I see, only 1 haha (I don't I'm so unpopular). But online I have a bunch more, you all know who I'm talking about! :D
